SAF Captain fined $5,000 After Throwing Hot Soup at Hawker Assistant Who Gave Him a Wrong Order

Growing up, my mother always taught me to treat others how you’d like to be treated.

Clearly, Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) regular, Kelvin Tan Chun Long, did not get this memo growing up when he flung hot soup at a 53-year-old hawker assistant after she got his food order wrong on 6 June 2020.

The 28-year-old SAF regular pleaded guilty to voluntarily causing hurt by a rash act on 18 February and was fined $5,000 – the maximum amount that could be given for the offense.

Previously, the defence counsel had urged the court not to impose a fine exceeding $2,000 as doing so would lead to Tan losing his job as a regular in the SAF.

What Triggered the SAF Regular

On 6 June 2020, Tan had gone to the victim’s stall in a coffee shop located at Block 676, Woodlands Drive 71 to get takeaway food.

When Tan returned to the victim’s stall to collect his food order, he had realized that the victim prepared the wrong item – the victim had placed fried bean curd instead of fried bean curd skin in his food order.

The victim told Tan that his food order could not be redone as it had already been cooked. Hearing this, Tan became unhappy and pushed his food order – which was placed on a counter – onto the floor.

Afterwards, Tan made his way to the table where he had placed other takeaway food items he had bought from other stalls, one of which was a blue plastic bag containing a container of hot soup.

Tan then picked up the bag and flung it in the direction of the victim. The bag hit the victim’s body, spilling hot soup where she immediately felt a burning sensation on the right side of her waist.

The SAF regular proceeded to walk away from the scene and only returned to apologise to the victim after several eyewitnesses gave chase.

The victim had suffered a superficial partial-thickness burn wound and was given three days of medical leave.

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Defence Reasoning Behind the Rash Act

Tan’s lawyer revealed that the reason behind Tan’s compulsive act was because the food item was meant for his four-year-old autistic son who was “quite demanding in terms of food requirements”.

In addition, Tan is the main breadwinner of the family with another young daughter to care for.

Still, regardless of your frustration and personal circumstances, you should never take your anger out on someone in this manner.

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