At Least 2 Dancers Injured After Giant Screen Fell During Mirror Concert in Hong Kong

Concerts are often more dangerous than you’d expect, and freak accidents remind us of this fact from time to time.

On Thursday (28 July), the popular twelve-member boy band Mirror was performing in the Hong Kong Coliseum when all of a sudden, a giant screen plummeted down, injuring two dancers on stage mid-performance.

Several videos documenting the horrific incident from the audiences’ POV have since surfaced:

The screen can be seen crushing one of the dancers, before tilting backwards and landing on another as the audience screams in horror.

The rest of the dancers immediately rush to help, attempting to lift the screen off the injured parties.

Band members Anson Lo Hon-ting and Edan Lui Cheuk-on were performing the hit song “Elevator” during the incident, and were quickly ushered off once the situation was assessed.

In the subsequent clips, the aftermath of the incident can be seen as concert crew members and first responders surround the impact zone, trying to help the two male dancers regain consciousness.

According to other clips circulating online, Mirror’s manager Ahfa Wong later took to the stage to apologise and asked the audience to leave.

One Dancer Stable, the Other in Intensive Care

According to The South China Morning Post, the two injured parties were sent to the city’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital while conscious at around 10.30pm.

By midnight, the hospital reported that one of the dancers had a neck injury as the screen had struck him in that region, and was in a serious condition. The doctors treating him have since stated that they needed more check-ups to ascertain his condition.

The other dancer had suffered a head injury but was in a stable condition. Subsequent media reports announced that he also had scratches and sprained muscles, and could be discharged after some observation in the hospital.

Many Fans Were Left Traumatised

Having witnessed the incident up close, three female audience members, aged 16, 21 and 40, also had to be treated for shock, with one sent to hospital.

“I was shocked,” said Aaron Chan Chun-tat, a 33-year-old lawyer who was seated in row 27 close to the stage.

Another audience member who was also sitting within the first few rows of the said she was “very traumatised” after seeing the screen fall, as she was sitting just within the first few rows of the stage when it happened.

One concert goer, Leung, said when she left the venue with her friend, she saw many fans still gathered around outside, wiping away tears.

“I am too shocked to go home now, so I do not know what to do,” she said.

“My heart is still racing and I need some time to calm down and process everything. I hope everyone will be fine, and whoever is behind the safety of the stage will be held responsible.”

Remaining Shows To Be Cancelled

Image: Instagram (@makerville.official)

MakerVille, the concert organisers have since come out to apologised for the incident. They have also issued a statement on Instagram where they promised to provide all necessary assistance to the injured dancers to aid their recovery.

“We are deeply sorry that the incident caused unease to the viewers and other affected parties,” they wrote.

The organisers have also confirmed that all eight remaining live and online Mirror shows would be cancelled. Fans can look out for announcement on refund procedures soon, and those who attended the concert on 28 July will also be eligible for a refund.

Investigations Underway

Hong Kong authorities have since promised to launch a detailed investigation on the incident.

Currently, it is understood that one of the screen’s suspension cables came loose and broke off, causing the the screen to fall.

John Lee, the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, said in a statement on Friday that he has asked the leisure department and other agencies to investigate the accident, as well as “review the safety requirements of similar performance activities.”

“I am shocked by the incident,” he stated. “I express sympathy to those who were injured and hope that they would recover soon.”

The Hong Kong authorities have also issued a separate statement announcing that the government had previously contacted MakerVille, on Wednesday (27 July)—the day prior to the accident—about “stage incidents in the past few days.”

However, no further comment was given to elaborate on this.

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Featured Image: Handout