S’pore Lady Allegedly Molested By GrabHitch Driver, Said ‘He Really Love Her Legs’

I‘m sure when you were young, your parents told you never to get into a car with strangers.

Today, it’s the norm to do it all the time. I mean, that’s essentially what getting a Grab or Uber car means.

Now, I’m sure that most Grab or Uber drivers are good people who just wants to do their jobs. But you cannot discount the fact that you might be so suay you meet the bad ones.

Like this lady here.

She alleged that she was molested by a GrabHitch driver when she took the service yesterday.

She was sitting in the front seat beside the driver as she felt that the drivers are Singaporeans like “you and me” who are picking people up along the way for extra cash. In other words, she’s too polite to sit behind like they’re normal Grab drivers.

Just so you know, GrabHitch is a carpooling service, so the drivers aren’t Grab or Uber drivers who drive for profit; instead, they drive to offset the car expenses as they can only provide rides for a maximum of two times a day.

So, back to the topic. At first, the ride was normal but things took a turn for the worse when she reached her destination.

When she was reaching for her wallet, the side of her legs brushed against the driver’s hand. Then, the driver allegedly touched her leg, telling her “she has super legs”.

Thinking that she has misunderstood the situation, she thought nothing of it and simply asked him, “what?”

To which he repeated his previous sentence.

Now genuinely disturbed, she hurriedly gave him the fare and got out of the car but not before he allegedly gave her leg a longer stroke and proclaimed his love for them.

She made a complaint to Grab via a phone call but the staff attending to her was not sympathetic, promising that they’ll follow up with her on the incident.

Both Grab and her made a separate police report and the driver has been suspended from Grab.

The clincher was the GrabHitch driver, hereby nicknamed ‘creepy guy’, tried to call her on her phone. He was told not to do so again by Grab.

And this just came after a GrabHitch driver tried to ask his passenger out for tea and dinner. And FYI, Grab recently promoted themselves as a place where you can make new friends.

I’m pretty sure this isn’t what they meant.

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Feature Image: Facebook (Rocio Yap Jia Han)

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com