S’pore Lost to M’sia in TasteAtlas Awards 2022 for World’s Best Cuisines

There’s a way to choose your friends, and it’s based on what food they like.

Are they Team Singapore or Team Malaysia?

After seeing the verdict from TasteAtlas Awards 2022, you’ll know which friends to keep and which not to.

Here’s what you need to know about the awards.

Singapore Loses to Malaysia for World’s Best Cuisines

The battle of the millennium has come to an end, and according to the TasteAtlas Awards 2022, the verdict is: Malaysia’s food is better. In the rankings for the best cuisines in the world, Malaysia ranks 39th, while Singapore ranks 52nd.

That’s more than a ten-rank difference.

Malaysian cuisine was rated at 3.99 stars, while Singapore’s was 3.94 stars.

Well, I guess the next time you argue with a friend about whether Malaysian or Singaporean food is better, it’s better to be Team Malaysia.

Best-Rated Dishes in Singaporean Cuisine

What’s your favourite Singapore dish?

A few local favourites might come to mind: Hainanese Chicken Rice, Chilli Crab, Roti Prata and more. There’s a reason why you thought of these dishes—it’s simply because they’re delicious, and TasteAtlas Awards thinks so too.

According to TasteAtlas Awards 2022, the best-rated foods in Singaporean cuisine include Black Pepper Crab, Chilli Crab, Roti Prata, Duck Rice and more. The list consists of another 44 more dishes.

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The website also ranks the Singapore Sling cocktail as the most popular Singaporean drink, which we’re sure our local army of bubble tea lovers is more than ready to dispute.

Maybe the rankings aren’t that accurate after all. Anyway, aren’t foods from Malaysian and Singaporean cuisine mostly identical, just with different names?

Best-Rated Dishes in Malaysian Cuisine

Across the border, some of the best dishes rated by TasteAtlas Awards 2022 include Laksa, Nasi Lemak, Char Kway Teow and Roti Canai.

The awards even lists some of the most popular Malaysian food products, which include rambutan and the king of fruits, durian.

It’s no surprise that the king of fruit is on the list. There’s a reason why there’s a whole movie being made about it for the upcoming Chinese New Year.

Popular Malaysian drinks include Ipoh White Coffee, Bandung and Teh Tarik.

And by Ipoh White Coffee, they mean the real Ipoh White Coffee, not the Ah Huat powdered one you see in NTUC Fairprice.

Italian Cuisine Ranked Best Cuisine in the World

One thing’s for sure: Malaysia and Singapore are far from the “boss fight” when it comes to the best cuisines.

Coming in at the top of TasteAtlas Awards 2022’s list of the world’s best cuisines is Italian cuisine, followed closely by Greek, Spanish, and Japanese cuisine.

Now that we’ve put things into perspective, you understand why Singapore is nowhere near the top. There’s a reason why your friends readily say yes when you suggest Da Paolo or Itacho for dinner but hesitate a little before agreeing to eat at Kopitiam.

TasteAtlas Awards 2022 also ranks the world’s best dishes and the world’s best local restaurants. So, the next time you’re not sure what to eat with your friends, check out TasteAtlas Awards’ recommendations!

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Featured Image: febri ardi antonius / Shutterstock.com + dolphfyn / Shutterstock.com