Unidentified Substances Sprayed on 2 Religious Centres in Waterloo Street & Armenian Street

Two is not always necessarily better than one.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, two religious centres on Waterloo Street and Armenian Street were sprayed with unknown substances by unknown perpetrators.

There is, unfortunately, no prize for guessing what the substances are.

A Splashing Sight 

On 17 January 2023, someone sprayed an unknown white substance around the Bible House’s building perimeters along Armenian Street.

The Police and the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) were alerted at 11:40 am to investigate the substance.

The SCDF took a sample of the white substance and ran several tests on it.

Thankfully, the SCDF Hazardous Materials Specialists concluded that the white substance was not harmful.

Meanwhile, police investigations into the source of the unknown white substances are still underway. No one currently knows who sprayed the substances.

The same incident happened the following day.

On 18 January 2023, someone sprayed similar unknown substances onto the walls and floors around the Catholic Centre on Waterloo Street.

The tenants of the Catholic Centre were evacuated from the nine-storey high building at 10:30 am when the SCDF officers reached the scene. The Police were at Waterloo Street to investigate who did it as well.

Investigations were completed at 12.20 pm by both the Police and SCDF. The tenants could re-enter the building, and F&B services at the Crossings Cafe could resume.

Police investigations are still ongoing for both incidents.

Tenants’ Thoughts about the Unknown Substance

Speaking to The Straits Times, a staff member of the Catholic Centre said that he had seen the sprayed substance in the building’s foyer at 9 am when he first reported for work.

The staff member initially suspected it to be only an oil spill from a vehicle. He thought nothing about it and proceeded to the office as usual.

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore confirmed to The Straits Times that they had filed the police report on the incident. They want to know the culprits and their motivations behind the spraying.

Thankfully, the substances were nothing serious, or else they could have jeopardised the health and safety of the tenants.

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What To Do in Cases of Chemical Threats

Threats from unknown substances remain real in a volatile world like ours.

SGSecure’s slogan, “Not if, but when”, comes to mind when dealing with threats such as the sudden presence of unknown sprayed substances. It could well have been a chemical agent attack.

A few signs of a possible chemical agent attack include watery eyes or difficulty breathing.

If you suspect a chemical agent attack, cover your mouth and nose with a damp cloth and quickly evacuate the building.

Whenever you see suspicious substances, you should always run away and report them.

It is always better to be safe than sound.

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Featured Image: Chong Jun Liang / The Straits Times