NOC’s Sylvia Chan Makes Second Apology After Interview Video With Xiaxue Was Released

Less than 24 hours after the bombshell interview with Xiaxue, the next episode of The NOC Saga has dropped.

After almost two weeks of radio silence on social media, and suddenly appearing in an interview with Xiaxue, Sylvia Chan has posted a second apology.

NOC’s Sylvia Chan Makes Second Apology After Interview Video With Xiaxue Was Released

This evening (25 October 2021), as we’re still trying to digest what we’ve learned about the saga from yesterday’s video, Sylvia Chan posted this:


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This time around, it’s not an essay but merely six paragraphs of text.

Here’s what she’s written:

Hi everyone. I am truly sorry for all the wrongs I have done, and the mistakes I have made.

The past 3 weeks have been draining but it has also given me a chance to reflect.

I am fully cooperating with workplace related authorities (MOM, TAFEP, CMPU) and I will continue to do so. I will be accountable for my actions.

I hope that everyone can give me the time and space to settle things privately with the relevant parties and dutifully with the relevant government entities.

I hope that I will be given a chance to work on myself to become a better person, and a better leader.

Thank you.

NOC and Sylvia Chan Have Been Quiet Since Saga Began

The saga came in three stages: the first was purely Glassdoor reviews about her management style. That happened in the beginning of this month but didn’t gain as much traction.

The second stage occurred around 9 October 2021, when screenshots of her using abusive language were leaked by @sgcickenrice. That went viral and led to lawyer’s letters being sent, and also to Sylvia’s first apology.

The third stage happened a week later when a blog post was published.

Since the second stage, Sylvia has been quiet on social media: she didn’t post anything since 30 September except for her apology posts.

In addition, the main NOC channel has stopped publishing video since the second stage started—which is abnormal since they publish about three videos per week.

The Thirsty Sisters, a podcast-style channel by Sylvia and Nina, has also made all their videos private.

However, Sugar Melon 衰哥霉人, a Chinese-language channel owned by NOC, is still active. Its latest video was published three days ago.

In the meantime, Ryan has not publicly respond to the accusations that Sylvia made in the interview video.

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Featured Image: Instagram (sylsylnoc) & YouTube (Xiaxue)