Viral Encik Who Made Doing 1,000 Crunches Popular Has Just Retired

Remember our TikTok-famous fitspo encik? He has just retired after 38 years of service to the SAF.

Would he still continue to do 5 sets of tabata every day, or would he eat 5 sets of prata every day instead?

1,000 Crunches a Day, with Tabata and 10km Run

In a video interview by DJ Jerald Ko, 55-year-old Senior Warrant Officer Leong Teng Kee, who has been a regular in the army for 36 years, shared with us his vigorous daily workout routine.

“Every day, I either do a 10km run with 5 sets of Tabata or 10 sets of Tabata with a 5km run. Ended off with 1,000 crunches,” the Chief Master Trainer at SAF’s Centre Of Excellence For Soldier Performance (CESP) shared.

“[To] workout is to get healthy, [you’ll] get younger and younger!” he added.

@jksg98 He does Tabata I do Ciabatta #AOH22 ♬ Epic – Joystock

This TikTok video, which was posted in June, went viral with over 575k views and 28.5k likes.

Tabata is a type of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workout that aims to yield the most benefits in a short amount of time, through eight rounds of strenuous, 20-second exercises and 10-second rest intervals.

Yeah, having some ciabatta sounds more doable to me. 

Retiring After 38 Years

2 years of NS? No, let’s make it nearly four decades of service.

After 38 years, SWO Leong has retired, with his last day being 1 December 2022.

The seasoned soldier has been with SAF since 1985, and has been on many missions and exercises, some of which involve humanitarian efforts.

Back in 2015, he led a team of 182 personnels consisting of the Army Medical Team, Police Task Force, Civil Defence & Ministry of Health, including doctors and nurses, to support the disaster relief efforts in Nepal following an earthquake. Leong and the team also helped to evacuate Singaporeans trapped in Nepal safely back to our country.

He was recently serving as the Chief Master Trainer for the Centre of Excellence for Soldier Performance before his retirement.

@jksg98 for the last time #1000crunches #tabata ♬ Xenogenesis – TheFatRat

Comments have since flooded in, all thanking SWO Leong for his many years of service.

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Join Him for Tabata Every Weekend

SWO Leong has been conducting free exercise classes every weekend even while being in the military full-time, and it seems like he’ll be continuing those classes.

If you’re in the area, join him for a Tabata workout session every weekend from 7am onward, at Jurong West ActiveSG Sports Centre.

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Featured Image: TikTok (@jksg98)