There’s A Clause in StarHub Plan With Unlimited Weekend Data Which You Won’t Like

Last Updated on 2020-02-17 , 9:03 pm

Woah, Starhub plan has weekend unlimited data?!

So, everyone laughed and cried when StarHub announced their new Starhub mobile plan, a Starhub plan with unlimited data during the weekends.

Who won’t? It’s unlimited leh, the golden word that we’ve been waiting for years.

But hold your horses. It’s unlimited, true, but after you’ve used more than 10 GB a day, you’ll start to see a drop in your speed.


Fine Print In Starhub Plan With Weekend Unlimited Data

At least that’s what is indicated in the Terms & Conditions on StarHub’s website.

starhub plan weekend unlimited data

If you can’t read it, here it is (I’ve bolded the important point for you):

  • Unlimited Saturday and Sunday Local Data.
    • For the XS/S/M/L/XL Plans you are eligible for Unlimited Saturday and Sunday Local Data based on the following terms:
    • You will enjoy free local data starting on Saturday 0000 to Sunday 2359.
    • You will not be allowed to share or allocate the Unlimited Saturday and Sunday Local Data with family members via the DataShare Value-Added Service.
    • To ensure that the activities of some users do not impair the ability of our customers to have access to reliable services, Unlimited Saturday and Sunday Local Data is conditional on fair usage by you for personal use and is capped at 10GB per day. If you exceed 10GB at any time on a Saturday or Sunday, we will impose a speed limit of 1 Mbps. The speed limit will be lifted on the following day.
    • StarHub reserves the right to amend the fair usage cap and speed limit from time to time at its discretion without any prior notice.

It’s actually not that hidden (kudos to StarHub for being transparent), for you’ll see the link to this page on the page that promotes the plan.

starhub plan clause

Now, is 1Mbps slow? Considering that 4G speed is up to 400 Mbps, with the real speed collected by DataGov.Sg at around 14 to 15 Mbps, you can see it as a large difference or a minor one, depending on what you’re doing.

If it’s 1 Mbps, you’ll only be able to download 125 kb of data every second (do note the big difference between Mbps and MBps). But of course, that is the speed limit: it could be lower, but never higher.

Just for reference, if you’re watching Netflix, it takes about 1 GB of data per hour on standard definition video (do yourself a favour and change the setting: that definition is a little overkill for a phone).

The clause is primarily based on a fair usage policy that telecoms usually have.

For example, Circle.Life’s free unlimited WhatsApp usage is also subjected to 10,000 minutes voice calls, and it does not include WhatsApp video calls.


Now, before you go buy a cake with the words “Happy Unlimited Day”, think again.

Streaming Netflix 24 hours on your mobile data during the weekend isn’t a reality after all.

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