We Tried KFC’s Hawaiian Double Down & We’re Sorry Not Sorry For It

Okay, so after all the drama-mama comments and roller coaster ride for everyone… KFC finally revealed its Hawaiian Double Down.

Officially in stores today, 18 August, but… #Iwasnotveryexcited

Image: reformca.org

Anyway, the Goody Feed team bought back this sinful “delight”, all ready to sink their teeth into.

But I wasn’t ready to. I want my burger bun! The burger bun was my paper towel, to drain that excess oil.

Now no paper towel, can only use tissue.

Image: ae01.alicdn.com

I was just rambling. Alright, no escape, have to write a review. So… #justdoit

My verdict: Not worth it

Image: i.pinimg.com

I have nothing against KFC or fried food. In fact, I love all things fried. But I think for $6.90, you can buy something else that tastes better? Like Korean Fried Chicken? Also K.F.C mah.

Before I get thrown rotten tomatoes, vegetables or eggs, give me a chance to further justify my verdict.

Basically, anyone can make this Hawaiian Double Down at home. You know DIY right? Just fry two pieces of chicken (you want it steamed, grilled, err raw also can)…

Image: chick-fil-a.com

Buy a can of pineapple from NTUC. Take one slice out. The rest you can make dessert or pineapple fried rice for lunch tomorrow.

Image: i5.walmartimages.com

One piece of cheese and strips of bacon.

Image: http://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com
Image: media.nbcbayarea.com

Top it off with lots of BBQ sauce… and tada, you’ve got your own Homemade Hawaiian Double Down! 😀

Image: KFC Singapore Facebook Page

Trust me friends, it’s really what it is: two pieces of fried chicken, one slice of pineapple, cheese and a few bacon strips with a splash of BBQ sauce.

If you can imagine it, you’ll know the taste #sorrynotsorry

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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com