WhatsApp’s new feature will make group chat better: You can now quote msgs


Last Updated on 2016-06-23 , 12:27 pm

Finally, WhatsApp has incorporated a feature that has been in Skype for the longest time ever: quoted message.

While it seems like a useless feature for some, it is a godsend for group chats: How often have you missed out an important message (e.g. the time and place to meet) out of hundreds of irrelevant and useless messages?

And when you want to show that Person A is the one suggesting the time and place to meet (come on, let’s face it: we do that so that we won’t look like the bad guy), you’ll have to copy and paste the message, only to be mistaken as the one who suggested the place.

To quote a message, simply long tap on the message that you want to quote, tap on the “reply” arrow and the message will be quoted. You can then type your own message after the quoted balloon.

Image: androidpolice.com
Image: androidpolice.com

Your phone might already have the update, or you need to update it to the latest version. I am using Version 2.16.95 and it has the feature, though you might need Version 2.16.118 instead. If you still can’t find the feature, maybe you could wait a few days before trying again.

According to International Business Times, you can also quote a media file, which works the same way as a text file. This means you no longer need to attach images—just quote it!

WhatsApp has been rolling out many useful new features in the last 12 months: from making voice calls in May 2015 to styling your text in March 2016.

The rumours of being able to send animated GIFs and video calling have not been confirmed, but given how proactive they have been to unveiling new features (with all of them starting out as “rumours” first), I guess SMS is more than just dead.

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com