Russian Olympian in Quarantine Said the Meals Provided Were ‘Impossible’ to Eat

So Victoria Beckham may have been able to eat the same thing for 25 years, but Olympians can’t do it for five days?

Reader Bao: Uh, have you seen what the Olympians are eating?

Image: Instagram (vasnetImage: Instagram (vasnetsova.lera)sova.lera)

Oh, okay. If I got this five days in a row, it would also become impossible to eat.

Cried Every Day and Lost Weight Due To This Food

Russian biathlon athlete Valeria Vasnetsova, who tested positive for COVID-19 at the Beijing Winter Olympics, said that she cried every day in quarantine.

She shared a picture of the food she was given every day: plain pasta, sauce, meat (that is charred, BTW) and potatoes. She said that she only ate some of the pasta every day, and the rest of the food was “impossible” to eat.

Her stomach hurt because of the food, and she lost a lot of weight, saying that her bones were sticking out.

She became so hungry that she ate all the fat they served on the day she posted her Instagram story, and said she wanted this to end.

While this may seem like such a first-world problem, we have to remember that they are athletes, and probably need more than just a few bites of pasta to maintain their physique for competitions.

Additionally, her team doctor who is also in quarantine was apparently getting fresh fruit, salad, and prawns with broccoli. A far cry from plain pasta and charred meat, isn’t it?

Vasnetsova claimed that Olympians who are in quarantine were getting worse food than other staff that tested positive.

A Happy Ending for Vasnetsova

Two days after her Instagram story, Sergey Averyanov, the spokesperson of Russia’s biathlon team, announced a happy ending for her.

Her meals now include salmon, cucumbers, sausages and yoghurt. A stationary bike will also be delivered to her room, so she can continue training in quarantine.

He said that the athlete was already smiling, and that’s the most important thing. Aww. 

But it seems like this poor standard of living was a common occurrence amongst the winter Olympians.

Germany’s Team Chief Said Quarantine Conditions Were Unacceptable

After German Olympic champion Eric Frenzel was sent to an isolation room, his team chief Dirk Schimmelpfennig roasted the conditions of those rooms.

He said that the conditions were unacceptable, and fell below standards in terms of cleanliness, food, and WiFi connection.

Reader Bao: Wait, what? WiFi connection?

Well, if you’re stuck in an isolation room with nothing to do, I guess WiFi connection does factor into your standard of living.

The chief said that they were in talks with the International Olympics Committee and the organisers, to get improvements for athletes in quarantine.

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Controversial Handling of COVID-19 Cases

Oh, but it’s not just the food and WiFi. China’s general handling of COVID-19 cases in the Winter Olympics leaves much to be desired.

According to the official rules, athletes who are tested to be positive but have no symptoms will be quarantined in a hotel. Those with symptoms will be sent to a hospital. The athletes are not allowed to compete until they test negative and are cleared for discharge.

However, it seems like some athletes were allowed to isolate themselves in the Olympic village. There were also concerns of transparency, as some athletes had to quarantine in hotels that their teams had no access to.

In yet another Instagram video, Belgian skeleton racer Kim Meylemans cried after she learnt that she was going to be sent to another quarantine facility…when she thought she was being released.

But it seems like Instagram really works to bring improvements to the athletes, as she was sent to the athlete’s village to isolate herself instead.

With the handling of cases being a mess, many athletes and their teams are currently lobbying for improvements from the organisers.

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Featured Image: Instagram (@vasnetsova.lera)