Woman Called Police On Neighbour But Got Arrested Instead Because Of CCTV Footage

Disclaimer: To Yishun residents, I’m sorry but my following comments might be kinda derogatory towards Yishun.

Yishun has been like the Bermuda triangle of Singapore recently.

Nasty and bad-rep incidents have been happening in droves, and oddly, a majority of them have been occurring in the same place. Yishun.

See, even the word itself looks demonic now.

And with everyone scurrying out of that accursed place as fast as they can, yet another incident has happened in Yishun.

At block 162, Yishun Street II, to be exact.

What happened?

According to Stomp, a Yishun resident had called the police on August 27, accusing her neighbour – Mdm Lin – of harassment.

Apart from throwing rubbish at her doorstep, the accused had apparently also knocked on her door in the middle of the night and sent ‘senseless and disgusting’ messages.

However, the CCTV installed outside Mdm Lin’s unit told an entirely different story.

The accuser, identified by Shin Min Daily News as Madam Fu, was spotted pouring soapy water at her neighbour’s door.

Image: Stomp
Image: Stomp
Image: Stomp
Image: Stomp

Mdm Fu even got herself arrested, after allegedly getting ‘uncooperative’ and shouting at the Police officers.


Police investigations are still ongoing, so we are not yet sure who’s in the wrong here.

However, a Facebook video of the CCTV footage that was posted online garnered quite a few comments, and there were some that dished up food for thought.

Image: SBS – Sure Boh Singapore Facebook Page
Image: SBS – Sure Boh Singapore Facebook Page

Both comments were by the same person, and it’s not ‘scientifically proven’ accurate, but it does get your mind running.

The way I see it – from the CCTV footage and source information alone – there are two possible scenarios.

The accuser, Mdm Fu, is the one doing the harassment and tried to implicate her neighbour by calling the cops. It ultimately backfired after the footage’s appearance though.

The other one is that Mdm Lim was responsible for the harassment, and in an attempt to get back at her, Mdm Fu resorted to throwing soap water at her door.

What about you? What do you think?

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Feature Image: stomp.straitstimes.com

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com