Despite Doctors’ Advice, Woman Delays Cancer Treatment for Her Pregnancy

Pregnancy is no walk in the park as many women can attest to, but it’s even rougher when you’re battling a debilitating illness and have two lives to care for.

In the case of a 29-year-old woman who goes by the username @missquraishani on TikTok, the extent of a mother’s sacrificial love was shown as she shared her story of deciding to delay her cancer treatment against the advice of doctors, so that her baby can hopefully be born one day.

Doctors Discovered a Mass In Her Ovary

In the TikTok Video, she shared about how she found out she was pregnant with her third child back in January this year. She added that she was not expecting to be pregnant, since she had been on birth control for the past few years.

On 7 April, however, she experienced severe stomach pains and heavy bleeding. After she was rushed to the A&E, it was there where she was informed that she was at risk of miscarrying.


Fact check- i could be the first 29 yo pregnant woman with stomach cancer stage 4 in Singapore. #stomachcancer #stomachcancerawareness #stomachcancerawareness💜 #cancersucks #pregnancyjourney #pregnancytiktok

♬ Fight Song – Rachel Platten
She shared that she had a gynaecologist visit for her pregnancy earlier that day, and it was there where a mass was found in her right ovary, which was stated to be “10cm” big after MRI scans were conducted on her.

User @Missquraishani was already 16 weeks pregnant then.

She Received The Bad News

After the scans showed that she had no other tumours other than the one on her ovary, she was sent for a procedure to have the affected ovary removed along with the mass, known as an oophorectomy.

She shared her worries with viewers, “[I] was damn nervous because I had to be under General Anaesthesia and the operation is similar to [a] C-section, which means while pregnant I’ll be in pain during recovery.”

To her dismay, she received the news that the chances of the mass that was removed from her body being cancerous was high. Despite feeling sleepy post-surgery, she wrote that she forced herself to stay up to find out the result of what the mass was.

Understandably, user @Missquraishani added that she was both in pain from the surgery and “feeling shi***” at that time.

Eventually, the tumour which was discovered to actually be 15cm, was confirmed to be cancerous after being sent for further tests.

On 5 May, she went for more scans that would help doctor determine the source of cancer.

It was subsequently found that she had stage 4 cancer.

Image: TikTok (@missquraishani)

Chose Her Baby’s Life Over Her Own

Doctors had repeatedly tried but failed to convince her to terminate her pregnancy so that she could start the cancer treatment as soon as possible.

She told viewers that the doctors informed her that “the prognosis is not good” and that she would have “months to one year” to live.

Sharing her heart-wrenching emotions with viewers, stating, “I cried so hard…but eventually I told myself it’s meant to happen, you were meant to happen, so why should I terminate you.”

Eventually, she informed the doctors of her decision to proceed with the pregnancy.

“Because of you, I found out I have cancer. You were meant to survive, you will be my miracle,” she wrote.

Viewers Were Moved by Her Story

The decision mustn’t have been an easy one, and users who felt the same way offered words of consolation and encouragement for her courage.

“You’re so strong for ur baby. Stay strong to give birth to your miracle and I hope your husband stay strong as well. TC!” one user wrote.

Another user shared that she had gone through a similar experience, and chose to terminate the pregnancy to undergo chemotherapy.

“I chanced upon your TikTok. I have similar story. I was preggie and had lymphoma. I decided to terminate though to go through chemo. I wish u well!” she commented.

The mother is currently 34 weeks pregnant, and while not in treatment yet, she expresses that she “can’t wait to meet” her “little heroine”.

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Featured Image: TikTok (@missquraishani)