Woman Pushed Against Moving Car Near Tuas Checkpoint & Even Yanked off Car Plate

If you’re a driver who’s tried to merge into a merging lane during peak hours, you’d have felt the little road rage monster in your soul struggling to take over your body before.

Everyone appears to think that their time is more precious than anyone’s else, and giving way is akin to giving up on life.

So it’s no surprise to witness road rage on those roads.

But for someone to stand in front of a car, push it even when it’s moving and even yanking off its car plate?

That’s road rage in another level.

Woman Pushed Against Moving Car Near Tuas Checkpoint & Even Yanked off Car Plate

Road rage videos are plentiful in Singapore, but for one to get well over 1.7 million views solely on Facebook in less than a day?

That’s the mother of all road rage

Facebook Page SG Road Vigilante – SGRV posted a video of a road rage that allegedly happened yesterday (9 July) at 10am, near the Tuas Checkpoint.

In the video, a woman in black dress could be seen going apeshit over a black MPV. She was trying to push the car back…as the car is moving forward.

Bentley Driver: Eh, why people cancel me when I do that, but people cancel this woman when she—

Other than that, she was also seen yanking off the car plate, and tossing it towards the car windshield. The car plate bounced off the windshield, and is it just me or did anyone else hold their breath, thinking that it might bounce back and hit the lady?

Soon after that, a man in blue came into frame, flipping the bird at the car.

Strangely enough, the lady then appeared to stop the man from moving towards the MPV, as if she’s the good cop in the entire incident.

The man then ran back to his car, a red Kia Cerato with a rather new car plate number, while the woman walked back calmly.

There’s then another footage showing the point of view from the MPV, which means it could’ve been contributed by the MPV driver. In it, it shows the woman standing in front of the vehicle, refusing to budge.

Comments Condemning the Woman

It’s unknown what happened, but a report from Zaobao suggested that it could be due to lane-changing.

Which leads to the next question: Who’s in the wrong?

A quick glance at the comment section would lead to a conclusion: the woman. Netizens even link the couple to Yishun Innova Junior College as the man who, for some reason can only run but cannot walk, was wearing a shirt linked to the JC.

Now, while we don’t agree with the woman’s action, it’s hard to agree with netizens’ conclusion.

Firstly, no one knew what happened before that.

Secondly, the MPV driver contributed a footage without showing what happened prior to that, which means he might be trying to prove something else to his advantage.

Thirdly, which I think is the key here, is…why does the MPV continue to move forward as the woman was pushing it?

Bentley different from Toyota (most likely) ah?

This leads to the most pressing question…are netizens having double standards?

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Featured Image: Facebook (SG Road Vigilante – SGRV)