The World Population Has Officially Reached 8 Billion People

The United Nations has announced that the world’s population has hit eight billion on Tuesday, 15 November. 


Looking Back

Eight billion is a lot. It’s more than just a milestone. It’s an indicator, a testament to how far we’ve come and how much we’ve evolved as a human race. 

Apropos to globalisation and digitalisation, everyone is more interconnected and healthcare facilities are more reliable. This has sparked human hypergrowth: our population is increasing exponentially.

To put this into perspective, it took humans 200,000 years to reach a population of 1 billion. 

We took a thousand times less time to grow from one to seven billion. Yes, that’s right, we took only 200 years. 

Evidently, population growth has never been faster. 

So What? 

What does this mean for the world? 

On the economical front, we’re more productive. It’s simple: more people equals more workers. More workers equals more work done. More work done equals more productivity. 

Simple as that.

With a greater amount of total wealth, people live more comfortably not just in Singapore, but also all around the world. People now live longer and lead better lives. The global life expectancy has increased by more than six years, from 66.8 years in 2000 to 72.9 years in 2022. 

However, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows.

More people also means more competition and less resources. 

In order to feed a larger population, we must have enough food. Unfortunately, supplies are slowly decreasing. Resource providers are constantly expanding and resorting to ungreen practices to replenish their supply. 

Such unsustainable practices have led to a spate of problems worldwide, such as global warming, increased flooding, soil erosion, etc. 

What goes around comes around. 

Our actions kill the environment. Now, our environment kills us. 

There is no Planet B.

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Looking Forward

We’ve come so far only because we’ve taken care of the environment. In order to go further and hit more of such milestones, we must remember how we got here in the first place.

It is imperative to have foresight and pragmatism in treating the environment. We have to act with environmental responsibility: cut down on energy usage, carbon emissions, etc, and focus on being more self-sustaining.

Supporting this is Singapore’s “30-by-30” plan, which aims for the nation to locally produce 30% of its nutritional needs by 2030. 

A small country with little natural resources, we have to import most of our produce. Focusing on this would allow us to maintain our food security and be more prepared in the event of erratic global supply chain disruptions. 

By keeping the resource flow a cyclical one, we can preserve our surroundings for future generations to come and ensure the continuity of a prosperous human race. 

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Featured Image: Oliverouge 3/