Barbie Hsu Has Officially Filed for Divorce & Splitting Over S$46.6 Million in Assets

For kids born in the ’90s, you’ll be more than familiar with Shancai who captured our hearts in Meteor Garden.

Image: Facebook (Meteor Garden Taiwan 流星花园)

The actress, Barbie Hsu, who acted in the iconic role, has officially filed for divorce.

Barbie Hsu Has Officially Filed for Divorce & Splitting Over S$46.6 Million in Assets

Hsu and her former husband, Wang, have officially released news of their divorce through their lawyers.

They have been married for more than ten years and have a son and daughter.

“After serious and careful consideration, Mr Wang and Ms Hsu have decided to divorce amicably and have begun related legal proceedings.”

The statement added that the couple will be “friends and parents in the future”.

“They will continue to raise their children together and give them all their love and support.”

The pair have reportedly reached an understanding regarding the splitting of assets and time with children.

However, details were not announced yet.

The couple will be splitting assets worth around NT950 million (S$46.6 million); this figure includes NT600 million in property and Wang’s S Hotel in Taipei worth NT350 million.

Rumours of Divorce Since June 2021

Back in June 2021, Wang called Taiwanese “a bunch of traitors” after two confirmed cases flew into China from Taiwan.

When contacted for comments on her husband’s behaviour, Hsu had a bombshell of her own to drop:

She’s divorcing Wang.

That caused everyone to Google her:

Image: Google Trends

Then, Wang’s mother told the media that there was no divorce, and it was simply a lover’s spat.

She said, “Barbie just said some words of anger. What divorce is she speaking about? I will calm her down. Barbie and Xiaofei both care deeply about their children and I will tell them both to bear with it for the moment.”

She didn’t say what quarrel could’ve caused such a reaction from Hsu but did reveal that Wang had told Hsu and their two children to head to China to take the COVID-19 vaccine, but Hsu had decided to stay put in Taiwan instead.

Hsu’s manager also chimed in, saying, “They just had a fight. Which couple doesn’t fight? It’s not a big deal.”

There are, however, unverified sources saying that Hsu has been contemplating divorce since last year, and it’s not because of a third party.

Instead, Hsu felt that her values and principles are too different from Wang’s, she felt that they were not spending enough time living together and Wang often openly criticised Taiwan on Weibo.

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Feature Image: Instagram (@barbiehsu_das)