BF Allegedly Kicked Pregnant GF’s Belly ‘Accidentally’ to Siam Responsibility

Hi there, Mr. scumbag.

I hope you’re reading this article, because this article was written specifically for you. Somehow, my editor managed to find this FB post and decided that I should write an article about you. (Aren’t you lucky)

Anyway, have a look at the post.


For those of you who can’t read the passage, here it is (I’ve also broken them into paragraphs for easier reading):

“So , *censored* was the heartless bastard who made me lost the chance of becoming a mother. 040715 , okay this was when we started . He chased me for 2 months and he everyday came to fetch me from school without fail. Then after 2 months, i went down to batok everyday for him.

I worked to SPEND money on him , yes he did his part too. Okay , the 1st month , he liked another person behind my back. I forgave him. Then followed by , he whacked me just because he thought that i was a pushover 🙂 .

Subsquently , he stole my bankcard and withdraw ALL that was in it . He also buy MOL points which cost $300+ bill account. Then i got his child , the first thing he said was ” is that child even mine ?” Like hello , if its not fucking yours then whose ?

Then subsquently , he said that he would work for me and my child , every month’s checkup he would pay. Ended up , he failed to do so and i have to pay everything myself.

Then when i was 10 weeks pregnant , he said he wanted to feel the child , i went down and let him feel. After that , he “not knowingly ” kicked me in the stomach right into my child , and he did not even felt apologetic when i was crying so badly.

After abortion , the best that i could do was to give up this 3 years , which was tough asf. But i still held on and give him chance. But he got too overboard.

Now , the below ss is like he blamed me for getting into a new relationship when he was the one who let me down over and over again ? LOL.

Then he claims that he dont have a new relationship and claims that i never put in effort. The question is how many fucking times i cried , i begged for him to come back and he expect me to put in effort in wanting him back .

Like who the fuck is he. He himself as a 23 y.o he cannot even settle his own problem and he called me for help. Like what a joke. LOL. He failed as a father , as a boyfriend.”


So, for those tl;dr people out there, here’s the gist of it.

  • This fella named allegedly kicked his then pregnant girlfriend’s stomach in an attempt to get rid of the baby.
  • He had also stolen his girlfriend’s bankcard, withdrawing all the money in her bank account.
  • He was allegedly in love with another girl but his girlfriend chose to forgive him (Oh you silly girl)
  • He doubted if the child was even his.
  • He is an abusive guy who hits his girlfriend.
  • Now he is blaming the girl for getting into another relationship.

I think that’s about it.

Anyway, I believe we need to hear both sides of the story before we can decide where to point our fingers. After all, this might be an attempt to make the guy look bad by exaggerating the facts.

However, for a person to post something like this on Facebook for the entire world to see, I tend to believe there’s a certain degree of truth involved.

However, if all of the things listed above were true;

(Even the Queen would want to kick your sorry little ass)

No matter the situation, please learn to take care of yourself.

If you think you’re in an abusive relationship, please talk about your situation with someone you can trust or better yet, seek professional help.

Please know that there are always organizations you can turn to for help. Here is a link to Aware’s website regarding abusive relationships.


Stay safe, people.

Since you’re here, why not watch a video about an NTU student who went all out to impress his crush, only to end up in…tragedy? Here, watch it and do remember to share it (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel)!

This article was first published on

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