M’sians Place Panty Liner In Masks To Fight Haze But It Actually Doesn’t Work

As the lovely women (and occasionally 'men') of Singapore would surely attest to, pantyliner is a real saving grace. Literally. Essentially an absorbent piece of material...

S’pore Policewoman Fulfils Childhood Dream To ‘Fight Bad Guys’; Carries 17kg Gear Daily

Living out your childhood dream sounds awesome, but we all know it's usually impossible. After all, no one has successfully become a banana in pyjamas,...

Cancellation Of Yale-NUS‘ Course ’Organised Resistance’ Threatens Academic Freedom

If you haven't heard, Yale-NUS is cancelling their course on the various modes of dissent and resistance in Singapore. And believe it or not, not...

Haze: Schools Opens As Usual But Might Close If Haze Worsens; Measures Put In...

When I was a kid, one thing I always complained about was the lack of seasons in Singapore. We don't experience winter, and playing...

Singapore Prison Service To Rename Newsletter As Current One Suggests Control & Oppression

Does the word "panopticon" ring a bell? No shame if you're in the dark on what the meaning is. Because same. (I thought it was...

You Can Now Apply Online For S’pore Bicentennial Notes; To Be Evenly Distributed If...

If it weren't for the Bicentennial S$20 notes, you probably wouldn't know about S$20 notes existing unless you're old enough. Of course, if you were...

Robot Pole Dancers Will Soon Dance At A French Nightclub

Some say that technology is going to bring us to the new age of evolution. A whole new age of the human race. These days, it's...

Lady Without Physical Disability Explains How Service Dog Helps Her Cope With Son’s Death

Judgment. Where do I start? So for starters, judgment's pretty rampant in this society, and I'm not even talking about those Afro-haired individuals seated on...

Grab Driver Only Eats Late At Night After Finishing All Deliveries; Netizens Touched

Respect is given in many ways. To your university professor, to your parents, to the 15-year-old heroine whose quick thinking saved a road accident...

Man’s Liver Gets Infected With Worms After He Ate Raw Seafood For 3 Years

I believe many of us here love sashimi. However, we have always heard people talking about how dangerous eating raw seafood can be. And you know...