All Fishmongers in All Markets Will be Tested for COVID-19; MOH Urges People Not...
The last six days have been a rollercoaster ride.
After a relaxation of measures, the KTV cluster happened, a cruise ship turned back to Singapore...
Researchers Said Bald Men with COVID-19 More Likely to Be Hospitalised; Some Experts Say...
A while back, I wrote on an epidemic-related study that supposedly showed how obese people might be at higher risk of contracting a more...
Another Restaurant Ordered to Close After Allowing More Than 5 People in a Table
The day before, we wrote about a hotpot restaurant which not only allowed more than 20 people to dine-in but actively tried to block...
21 New Covid-19 Cases Reported Today (22 Sep); 2nd Day Where There’s No Community...
As of 12pm on 22 Sep 2020, the Ministry of Health (MOH) reported 21 new Covid-19 cases in Singapore.
This brings the total number of...
New Scheme Lets Self-Employed & Freelancers Earn $7.50/Hr While Taking Courses
The COVID-19 outbreak has hit the tourism industry, retailers and businesses hard.
Simply put, fewer tourists due to the travel bans imposed by the government...
First US Non-RNA COVID-19 Vaccine, Nuvaxovid, to be Available in S’pore by End-May
If you have been eagerly anticipating the Novavax vaccine that was approved earlier in February, the wait will be over real soon.
Joint Testing and...
884 COVID-19 Cases Today (12 May); 3 Are S’poreans or S’pore PRs
In terms of the number of new COVID-19 daily, yesterday is a rather goody day, but we “cheated” a little lah because fewer tests...
Tan Cheng Bock Claimed Police Reports Made Against Raeesah Khan Had Been Timed to...
The Raeesah Khan saga has drawn a lot of attention.
Both positive
And negative
And now, there's yet another person stepping into the saga and it's a...
Man Complained About Irresponsible People Queuing for McDonald’s But He Himself is 1 of...
The Covid-19 pandemic has really taken a toll on our mental health.
I'm not talking about being cooped up at home or having our movement...
Cops Now Patrol M’sia & Might Arrest People Who Don’t Follow Movement Control Order
If there's anything we've learned throughout the course of human history, it's that people don't like following instructions.
People all over the world are told...