Cheap Durian Prices Might Now End As Demand From China Increases Due to Their Reopening

With China easing its strict zero-COVID policy through measures such as opening its borders on 8 January next year, the first thing on most Singaporeans’ minds is probably how to book your next holiday there.

And not how durians are going to be sent there as well.

But it seems like the latter is indeed the case, as durian sellers in Singapore have caught wind of the news that China will start importing durians again soon as the Chinese government continues to relax their COVID-19-related policies.

And according to some basic math, this means that durian prices are likely to rise since there will be a rise in demand and possibly insufficient supply of durians.

Recently, Lele Durian Singapore, a stall located in Ghin Moh Market and Food Centre, even took to Facebook to urge consumers to purchase and eat more durians while the affordable prices last.

In the post published on 17 December, it was written that China’s decision to import durians again means that durian prices will increase over the next fortnight after Malaysia exports durians.

“Hence[,] we will strongly advise our fans to consume during the lowest price and great quality within these 2 weeks,” the post added.

When speaking to Shin Min Daily News, owner Huang Jingxing (Hanyu pinyin) mentioned that his partners who operate durian farms in Malaysia have already received orders from China.

According to him, they are currently harvesting and freezing the durians to prepare them for shipment to China.

Mr Huang added that Mao Shan Wang durian currently costs around $16 per kilogramme. However, this price may rise to $20 after China imports durians.

Apart from that, the stringent COVID-19-related regulations in China have disrupted import services for the past few years.

Hence, the demand for imported items such as durians is expected to rise as China gradually reopens.

Other Durian Sellers’ Opinions

And it seems like other durian sellers in Singapore also agree with Mr Huang.

Huang Mingyi (Hanyu pinyin), the owner of 211 House of Durian at Toa Payoh, said that the Chinese market is large, meaning that prices will naturally rise once durians are sent to China.

Currently, Mr Huang from 211 House of Durian sells his best Mao Shan Wang durians at just $24 per kilogramme. However, with the possible price increase, he explained that his stall has always set a cap of charging customers at most $30 per kilogramme of Mao Shan Wang.

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Hong Li An (Hanyu pinyin), the stall owner of Combat Durian, also shared that she has heard the news about China importing durians, which means that the number of durians imported into Singapore will decrease.

However, she pointed out that the demand for durians has also decreased recently since many Singaporeans go on holiday at the end of the year. Hence, she believes that whether the price of durians will increase is still unclear.

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Featured Image: Torjrtrx /