Circle.Life Thanks M1 & StarHub for ‘Acknowledging’ Data Deprivation

Have you been living in a cave in the last two weeks? If so, the world has changed drastically during your sabbatical.

At least in Singapore.

Last week, StarHub did the unthinkable by offering a plan that provides unlimited data during the weekends. Everyone went apeshit, thinking that the price war has begun.

And begin it has.

A few hours later, M1 went all out, announcing a plan that has unlimited data. For $98, you can stream your Netflix like nobody’s business because #unlimited


As of now, Singtel is still quiet, but let’s just say that if they remain quiet, they’ll have to say goodbye to many people.

But if you remember, there’s still Circle.Life and their 20GB plan.

Not too long ago, they started a campaign that triggered oversensitive and super righteous souls, metaphorically referencing data deprivation to global poverty.

They even did some kind of “infographic” to back their claims with stats.


Many of us all know it’s all just a creative publicity campaign, and laugh it off.

But that apparently isn’t the end of the episode. At least not when the price war began.

With StarHub and M1 coming in with unlimited plan, Circle.Life posted this.

And their description is even more powderful:

Thanks M1 and StarHub for acknowledging that Data Deprivation is REAL and for fighting the good fight with us. More on Data Deprivation:

Now, why is this even something worth talking about?

Simple: it’s one heck of a marketing campaign.

Circle.Life created a campaign with a story, and thought it would end but when reality took a turn, they continued the story.

So this means this could be the beginning of a new story.

And I think Singtel would be coming into the picture soon.

Still, bravo, Circle.Life. Despite oversensitive people criticizing you publicly, you continue the storytelling campaign, and even put out episode two.

Now we’re just waiting for the unlimited plan from you. Coming soon, right?

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