Authorities Urge People to Buy CNY Food from Established Retailers After Seizing Over 150 Cartons of Imported Bak Kwa

Last Updated on 2022-01-26 , 10:18 am

With the Chinese New Year (CNY) celebrations just around the corner, the frenzy to stock up on CNY goodies and snacks has started.

Especially for bak kwa, a widely-enjoyed treat by most.

From the crazy-long queues at stores like Lim Chee Guan where bak kwa goes for $73 per kilo during the festive period, it’s safe to say that Singaporeans will do anything to get their hands on it.

And this includes importing bak kwa from our neighbours up north in Malaysia, even though there are currently no suppliers that are approved to import it into Singapore.

Yes, the suppliers have to be approved, even if you’re intending to buy an entire carton of bak kwa just for yourself.

This desperation might cost you dearly, though.

Bak Kwa and Pork Floss Seized at Immigration Checkpoints

In a recent Facebook post by the Singapore Food Agency (SFA), it was mentioned that authorities have seized 169 cartons and 11 packets of bak kwa, as well as three cartons of pork floss at the immigration land checkpoints between Malaysia and Singapore.

Explaining how illegally imported food resources may bring about unnecessary harm and safety risks, SFA also mentioned that consumers should “ask for more information from the supplier about the source before purchase” if they have any doubts or queries.

Additionally, this risky move to get your favourite CNY snack might just end up costing you much more than if you were to buy it in Singapore. Offenders who import meat products illegally are liable to a fine not exceeding $50,000 and/or imprisonment for up to two years. For subsequent convictions, you might be facing a fine of up to $100,000 and/or imprisonment for up to three years.

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While bak kwa might be going at exorbitant prices in Singapore during this time, it’s definitely much better than risking your health or money. Or even worse, you might even risk not having bak kwa to celebrate CNY with.

So stay safe, and shop smart!

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Featured Image: nickichen /