It Was So Cold Yesterday (Sunday), Even Pandas from Foodpanda Froze

Last week, Singapore had its very own “winter”, with temperatures plunging to 22 degrees aka cuddle weather.

With chilly winds and gloomy skies, staying in bed and watching Netflix would be the go-to option.


But what about food?

I mean, with so many food delivery options in this foodie island, we are spoilt for choices.

For one food delivery service, their site “froze’ as they received a deluge of orders yesterday afternoon (14 Jan).

Foodpanda, the food delivery service in question, received a 12% surge in orders (an unprecedented situation), The Straits Times reported.

Luc Andreani, Foodpanda managing director told The Straits Times that the company had not predicted the surge and he attributed it to the inclement weather which plagued our sunny island the whole of last week.

Andreani also mentioned that it had a “record-breaking days of orders” yesterday.


(Article continues below) Do you know that your company can’t deduct a fixed amount of money if you’re late for work? Or that you can’t work more than 12 hours a day? Here’s a video on the ten rights you have as an employee you confirm-plus-chop didn’t know of (but you still let your boss bully you ‘coz you’re scared of him / her):

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So for those who tried to order via the Foodpanda app around 12:30 P.M., they were told that it was “experiencing system issues at the moment”.


The message also read: “We’re sorry for the inconvenience and will be up and running again soon.”

So, Foodpanda has an advanced algorithm tool that allows it to predict the number of orders given at a given time—so I think that this helps them to decide the allocation of drivers on a particular shift.

So, with the lack of active drivers at their disposal, they had to take the service down temporarily and if you’re wondering, they have a fleet of around, 3000 riders.

But luckily for the hungry customers, Foodpanda managed to resolve the situation.

The site was up and running at about 3:30 P.M.

Since this was a topic of discussion during our Monday morning meeting, my boss proudly told us that he managed to order his dinner via UberEATS successfully.


I had the humble and ever-reliable cup noodles.


Since you’re here, why not watch a video about a guy who lodged a Police report here in Singapore because he was friendzoned? Seriously. Here, watch it and do remember to share it (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel)!

This article was first published on

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