Commentary: Is iPhone X Just Another Atas & Overpriced Phone with Fancy Adjectives?

So, iPhone X is revealed to the world today, and early in the morning, my phone has been buzzing with notifications about the new phone from various news app.

And when I turned on the TV before work, the hosts in a news programme were talking about—you’ve guessed it—iPhone X.

Nope, not that everyone has forgotten that we’ve our first female president today. It’s just that Apple releasing a new iPhone is big: so big that once our writer Zhi Hao comes into the office, he wants to write about it.

“Because iPhone leh,” he said.

“So?” I asked.

“Because iPhone leh.”

“There are other phones coming out every now and then. Why single out iPhone?”

“Because iPhone leh.”

And we let him write, because iPhone leh.

But seriously, is it just another phone that exceeds expectations, or is it just an overpriced phone?

I’ll say it’s just an overpriced phone. Now, before you prepare your rotten eggs, hear me out. Here are some facts for you.

I’m going to compare Apple to Apple—I mean, Apple iPhone X to Samsung Note 8, because this fight between the two smartphone giants is like the fight between Singapore food and Malaysia food: it’ll be a never-ending fight (though Singapore’s bak kut teh is nicer).

Size has become subjective, so let’s look at the resolution instead: Note 8’s pixel density is 551 while iPhone X’s is 458. The higher the PPI is, the clearer it looks (at least, if you bother to use a magnifying glass). So it’s a clear winner for Note 8 here.

Let’s move on to the CPU, should we? iPhone X has a Hexa-core CPU while Note 8 has an Octa-core CPU. Wah, chim, so here’s a brief idea of the conclusion based on this article: Octa-core has eight cores. Hexa-core has six cores. The more cores you have, the more powerful you’ll be. Do I even need to announce that the winner is Note 8?

Moving on (as I won’t even need to selectively list down the information to engineer a winner), let’s look at the basics: RAM. Note 8 has 6 GB RAM while iPhone X has 3 GB RAM. If my maths hasn’t failed me, it looks like in terms of specs, Note 8 wins iPhone X hands-down.

Pricing-wise, Samsung Note 8 is going for $1,398 without contract, while Apple iPhone X starts from $1,648.

Is it overpriced? Yes, based on facts, numbers and, if I may, maths.

Is it atas? Seems so, because a product becomes atas when it’s expensive yet not of the highest quality (sort of la).

Now, after I’ve shown my writer friend this article, I was hoping he would say something logically. Or at least, counter-argue with a little substance.

He said, “Because iPhone leh.”

Guess we Android users will never understand.

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This article was first published on

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