This Couple’s Pokemon-Themed Wedding Invitation Card Wins The Internet

Gone are the days where a bunch of crazy people travel from place to place, staring and aiming their phones at random objects and people, throwing their virtual poke balls at people. (Yup, I was one of them, but then I repented and moved on with life.)

Oh wait… you mean there are still people playing Pokemon? Hmm, sorry, it wasn’t my intention to call you crazy but… is that, that engaging?

In Japan, fans took their love for Pokemon to the next level, to the extent of sending out Pokemon-themed wedding invitations. Here’s the brainchild of a Japanese couple:


I must say I’m pretty impressed because it’s a classic design! And they’ve put in quite a lot of effort there.

Here’s the translation:

(The phrase above the couple is them saying, “Welcome!” )

Newlyweds Issei and Shoko want to invite you to their wedding!

Will you attend? >Yes >No

Tell us your name!
Tell us your address and phone number!

Do you have any allergies? Yes / No
Will you ride the bus? From where? Yes / No (Place: ___)
Write any message here!

To be honest, this is not the only thing fans have taken to express their love for Pokemon. In the same country, there’s even Pokemon bridal jewellery. One can propose with a Pikachu diamond ring at 120,000 yen (S$1433.06):


Up your game by placing the gem in a poke ball. Just make sure you practice opening the poke ball a couple of times, just so you don’t embarrass yourself on the big day.


And complete the official process with a Pikachu marriage registration form. I’m serious, guys.


Did you notice the ‘I choose you’ written on it?


And if you’re not a fan of Pokemon, no worries. How about Sailor Moon marriage certificates instead?


Or One Piece?


What would you guys like on your marriage certificate if you could choose? I mean it’s highly unlikely Singapore Registry of Marriages would do anything about it but nothing is impossible.

We Bare Bears, anyone?


Since you’re here, why not watch a video about a guy who lodged a Police report here in Singapore because he was friendzoned? Seriously. Here, watch it and do remember to share it (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel)!

This article was first published on


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