New Footage of 11 Cyclists Vs Driver Shows Cyclists Backing Off After Driver Confronted Them

In a major turn of events, it turns out that the virtal confrontation between 11 cyclists and a private hire driver was not one-way.

Now, a second video has since emerged, showing that the driver had challenged the cyclists to take him on. For those who require background information, here is a brief recap.

Confronted by Cyclists after Honking

At around 1 a.m on 9 Jan, a private hire driver honked at a group of 11 cyclists for hogging the road. The situation escalated quickly when the cyclists chased him down and surrounded his car just after the driver picked up a passenger.

In utmost dissatisfaction, they tapped aggressively on the exterior of the car, gesturing fervently with frowns on their faces.

You can watch the video here.

Many netizens had called out the cyclists for being bullies on roads.

Little did we know that the driver didn’t need backup.

Driver Challenges Cyclists to Take Him On

After the initial video, new footage has surfaced online showing the driver’s confrontational actions. Clad in black, he exits the car and beckons the cyclists towards him.

He shouts at the cyclists, who backed away to avoid exacerbating the conflict. In the video, he could be heard saying things like “don’t be a coward, come on over” and “do not run away”.  Despite outnumbering the driver, they stood near the kerbs of the street modestly.

Posted on 15 Jan at 10 am by the same Facebook Page, Beh Chia Lor – Singapore Road, the video has got over 200k views and 600 comments in less than two days.

You can watch the video here:

Netizens Still Keen on Siding with Driver

If the video was submitted by one of the cyclists to expose the driver’s provocative actions, the plan has failed.

Netizens are berating the cyclist for “making use of social media to play the victim” and for “having a big sense of ego and entitlement”. Many responses are taunting the cyclists for putting up an aggressive front, while others applaud the driver for defending himself.

After all, they were not supposed to cycle in big numbers on roads.

From 1 Jan 2022, cyclists are only allowed to cycle in groups of 5 in a single file, or groups of 10 if riding two abreast.

According to Melvin Yong, the Executive Secretary of the National Transport Workers’ Union, the number of accidents involving bicycles are on the rise; 572 accidents in 2020 as compared to 459 accidents in 2019. The 25% increase has made way for stricter regulations.

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Featured Image: Facebook (Beh Chia Lor – Singapore Road)