Image of Jackie Chan Supporting the China Protests Went Viral

For most of us, coexisting with COVID-19 has been the new norm for us ever since we were able to get past the brunt of the pandemic.

However, that’s not the case for every country around the world.

In particular, China has been well-known for its strict “zero-COVID” policy, which has led to protests in recent weeks as its citizens have become increasingly angry regarding lockdowns and rigorous policies.

As part of their protests, individuals have begun raising blank white sheets of paper to protest and demand democracy and freedom.

While it makes sense that many celebrities might want to shy away from such a “controversial” protest, Hong Kong martial arts star Jackie Chan has recently found himself embroiled in it after an image of him raising a white piece of blank paper was uploaded on Chinese social media.

Image: Photoshopped from Internet

This came as an unexpected and complete shock to netizens, given that Chan has been extremely vocal about being pro-China in the past.

The 68-year-old has also publicly expressed support for the Hong Kong National Security Law, a law established in 2020 by the government in Beijing.

The law allows authorities to prosecute individuals in Hong Kong who partake in protests and challenge authorities with greater ease, which makes the fact that Chan would be spotted in such a photo all the more surprising.

Netizens’ Reactions

After the photo went viral, many Chinese netizens were highly angered and stunned by the image.

Some criticised him by saying that his actions were “a joke”, while others commented that it “can’t be real”.

Some commenters also said that he would be the reason behind the protests’ failure if he had intentionally posed with a blank piece of paper to support the protests.

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Image is Photoshopped

However, there’s more to this situation than what’s on the surface.


A while after the image went viral, the original version of the photo was found on the Internet.

In the photo taken in 2016, Chan was holding a sign that said “saluting frontline firemen”.

Image: Weibo (成龙)

For context, the sign was when Chan paid respects to two firefighters in Hong Kong who passed away while trying to fight the blaze at the Amoycan Industrial Centre in Ngau Tau Kok, Kowloon, in 2016.

Someone on the Internet had photoshopped the image and removed the phrase on the paper, which caused the large-scale controversy.

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Featured Image: Photoshopped from Internet