M’sia Cop Allegedly ‘Slut-Shamed’ Cosplayer Who Was Reporting a Stalker

While we might see police officers as saviours to aid us in seeking justice for the events we’ve experienced, some of us might end up having very different encounters with the police officers we interact with.

And it seems like recently, one Malaysian cosplayer ended up having an encounter with a police officer which was far from pleasant.

Cosplayer Was Harrassed and Stalked

On 16 May, a 21-year-old Malaysian cosplayer Chin Pui Ting shared her experience with a stalker on social media.

Chin, who also goes by Pudds in the cosplay community, revealed that the stalker had appeared at AnimeFest 2022 which was held at Paradigm Mall.

She also mentioned how she was “pushed towards (her) booth whilst screaming and crying” by the male stalker, who was “asking (her) for a picture and to unblock him from discord”.

“We gave him multiple warnings to leave. He was threatening suicide on me and refused to leave.

“He has stalked me for a while now, both online and in physical events. He even trailed me to my car at the parking lot yesterday,” she added.

Apparently, the man has been stalking her both online and in person over the past few months, which led to Chin filing a police report “in case something happens in future”.

However, little did she know that the issue was far from over.

Policeman’s Slut-Shaming Remarks Towards Chin

One day later (17 May), Chin took to social media once again to share her experience at the police station.

However, instead of getting support and help, Chin ended up being slut-shamed and victim-blamed by the police officer handling her case.

She explained how she went to the police station while still in her cosplay outfit as she “needed to make the report fast”. However, she wore a jacket on top of her outfit “out of respect” before entering the police station.

Upon seeing her outfit, the officer told her that getting harassed “is the consequence for dressing like this and selling pictures like these”, and that she was “also in the wrong”.

After asking for her age, the policeman also told her to “go back to school” and even grilled her by asking why she was “doing such things” since she is not signed to a modelling agency.

Chin recalled, “Just to have a better time there I just told the police ‘Yes sir, everything is my fault ok. Everything is my fault. Ok sir.'”

Police Confimred that Investigation Will Take Place

Two days later on 19 May, Chin informed her followers that she had given the police her statement regarding what had happened.

In the post, she wrote that the case has been “sent for investigation”.

“So far, I do not know if any action will be taken against the harasser or specific policeman. We’ll have to wait for further updates,” she added.

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In her post, she also touched on the issue of victim-blaming and emphasised how those who have experienced similar things “to speak up through proper channels” and to “never feel scared (of) or threatened to speak up”.

Additionally, based on reports by Malaysiakini, Mohamad Fakhruddin Abdul Hamid, the distric police chief of Petaling Jaya, has since verified that investigations against the police officer who made the comments to Chin will be carried out.

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Featured Image: Facebook (Chin Pui Ting) + Instagram (@deadpudds)