S’pore Man Sues Woman for $3 Million After Being “Friendzoned”

I’m sure we’ve all heard some Tinder horror stories from our friends (or sad to say, experienced some first-hand).

What if I told you that less-than-pleasant relationships could also occur when you get to know someone outside of a dating app?

This is the unfortunate reality of two individuals in Singapore, Mr K. Kawshigan and Ms Nora Tan, where Mr Kawshigan commenced legal action against Ms Tan for allegedly turning down a romantic relationship with him.

The Two Of Them Did Not Click And Counselling Did Not Solve The Issue

The pair first met about seven years ago but trouble started to brew in 2020 when Mr Kawshigan viewed Ms Tan as a potential romantic partner but Ms Tan regarded Mr Kawshigan as a “friend”.

Sound like a regular instance of friendzone?

Well it’s not.

Ms Kawshigan threatened legal action against Ms Tan after she rejected his advances (and we speculate, a likely confession), before the both of them agreed to participate in counselling sessions together to find a resolution.

However, despite both individuals in question receiving counselling for a lengthy period of about one and a half years, nothing came to fruition. 

Ms Tan also began harassment proceedings against Mr Kawshigan as she ramped her boundaries.

The Court Gets Involved

Eventually, Mr Kawshigan’s threats of suing Ms Tan materialised and he began two instances of legal action against Ms Tan.

The first, for a whopping $3 million dollars, was brought in the High Court on the basis that Ms Tan allegedly caused “damage to his stellar reputation” and he suffered “trauma, depression and impacts” to his life due to his spurned advances.

The second, for a lower but nonetheless eye watering sum of $22,000, was brought in the Magistrate’s Court against Ms Tan for supposedly not fulfilling her promise to work on making their relationship better.

This second lawsuit has since been struck out by a Deputy Registrar of the State Courts, Mr Lewis Tan, on the grounds that Mr Kawshigan’s claim was “groundless” and “without foundation”, which amounted to an abuse of court processes.

The first lawsuit is still ongoing.

In fact, it is scheduled for a case conference next week before the High Court’s Assistant Registrar Choo Wing Kong Kenneth and has been classified as a defamation case.

We wish both the plaintiff and defendant all the best but given the juicy facts of this case, it’s definitely one we’re keeping our eyes on for sure.

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Featured Image: mentatdgt/ Shutterstock.com