Customer Accidentally Paid $450 Instead of $4.50 to Ban Mian Stall Via Paylah!

While scanning QR codes to make payments at different stores all around Singapore is probably the norm for most of us, there’s no doubt that some of us have almost transferred the wrong amount of money to the merchant by accident.

Like typing $100 instead of $1.00.

Thankfully, most of us might catch our mistakes before hitting the transfer button.

However, this wasn’t the case for a customer who accidentally keyed in $450 in their DBS Paylah! application to pay for a $4.50 bowl of noodles on 28 January this year.

Yup, the transfer went through.

And while this might sound like the start of a horror story, it (fortunately) isn’t, as the stallholder noticed the discrepancy and even took to social media to try and search for the customer who paid more than $445 extra for their meal.

Here’s what happened.

Stall Posted on Facebook, Revealing That Someone Paid $450 for Noodles

Last Saturday (28 January), a noodle stall named Xiao Mei Ban Mian uploaded the following image to its Facebook page.

The image included a screen showing that a customer had paid them $450 via the stall’s NETS QR code.

According to the post, the stallholder noticed the discrepancy while closing the outlet at Block 691 Woodlands Drive 73.

“[Maybe] instead of $4.50, he/she typed $450,” the stall explained.

Expressed Wish to Refund the Customer

After explaining what happened, Xiao Mei Ban Mian’s stallholder expressed their wish to refund the customer for the extra money that they had paid by accident.

“We would like to return the extra amount [of] $450-$4.50= $445.50 to that customer,” the post read.

The post also asked the customer who accidentally transferred the $450 to contact the stallholder and let the stall know the payment mode and transaction time to confirm their identity.

Apart from that, the post added that the stall’s closed circuit television (CCTV) footage was checked and that the customer in question might have been an elderly customer.

However, the stall revealed that the customer was not one of their regular customers, meaning that the stall could not contact the individual to refund the person directly.

“We are worried he may not even know he made that mistake. Please spread the news and hope he/she realises and [gets] back the money,” the stallholder urged.

At the end of the post, the stallholder also reminded customers to check their phone screens before hitting the “pay” button when paying through online means such as Paylah! and GrabPay.

“Once again, [please] carefully type when [you] use [e-payment] mode everywhere since everyone prefers to use [GrabPay and Paylah!] more now. When [you] show the transaction screen to [the] cashier, the words on the phone are so small that 450 and 4.50 may not be very obvious,” the stallholder concluded.

Update After Contacting NETS: Refund Will be Issued to Customer

A few days after uploading the post, the stallholder provided an update on the situation in the comments section today (31 January).

The update revealed that the stallholder contacted NETS to fill in a manual refund form for the money to be refunded to the customer.

Image: Facebook (Xiao Mei Ban Mian)

According to the image of the form, the stallholder wrote that $445.50 should be refunded to the customer.

“We have successfully submitted the manual refund form to NETS and refunded the $445.50 to NETS. NETS will contact DBS[,] and then DBS will transfer back to the customer,” the update read.

“Still don’t know who the customer [is] yet[,] though. No contact or claim from anyone yet. But Bank will contact him and refund,” the stallholder added.

Netizens Lauded Stallholder for Honesty and Expressed Interest in Supporting the Stall

After the initial Facebook post garnered attention from netizens, many people praised the stall for their honesty and said that hawkers like these are worth supporting.

Some also said that they are interested in buying food from the stall to express their support and approval of the stallholder’s actions.

More About Xiao Mei Ban Mian

And if you’re like those netizens, here’s all you need to know about the stall.

Stallowner Khine Zar Lin was a software engineer for eight years before opening Xiao Mei Ban Mian. She had left her former career after the software company she was working for shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Her stall sells a variety of dishes such as ban mian (of course), as well as Myanmar-style dishes like kyay oh, a dish that includes rice noodles and meatballs.

Khine, who is from Myanmar, was even featured on the Kopitiam Facebook page earlier this year.

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Location of Outlets, They Provide Delivery As Well

And apart from the stall at Block 691 Woodlands Drive 73, Xiao Mei Ban Mian also has two other outlets in Singapore.

They are located at Block 892C Woodlands Drive 50 and Block 541 Yishun Street 51.

For more information about the store’s outlets, check out their Facebook post below.

And for those who’re craving their food but want the convenience of it being delivered to your doorstep, Xiao Mei Ban Mian also provides delivery services to various regions in Singapore.

They post regular updates regarding where they’re delivering to for specific days, so keep a lookout for their posts if you’re interested!

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Featured Image: Facebook (Xiao Mei Ban Mian)