Car Passenger Tried to Online Shame Man Who Walked on PIE But Got Slammed Instead

Google Maps is our trusty navigator for when we get lost.

That said, it can go wonky sometimes and lead us astray.

Man Filmed Walking on PIE

A man was filmed walking on the Pan-Island Expressway (PIE) near Paya Lebar

In the video, the cameraman was scolding him for dangerously walking on the highway, saying that in doing so, he was posing a danger not only to himself but also drivers who might get into accidents.

Image: SG Road Vigilante/ Facebook

“You can’t walk here leh, hello! This one highway leh!”

As if scolding him wasn’t enough, the passenger in the car (the cameraman) asked him to counterproductively retrace his steps and return to a pedestrian walkway instead of continuing in his direction. 

Ironically, he was already at the exit of the expressway. 

The passenger even asked the man to jump off the bridge so he wouldn’t endanger the drivers on the road. 

In response, the man (with a non-local accent) claimed he was merely walking home. 

Image: SG Road Vigilante/ Facebook

He wasn’t happy about getting criticised, and the two started bickering. 

“If you want me to jump, crash into me!” he challenged the passenger. 

Left speechless, the cameraman stuttered while the pedestrian walked away. 

The best part about all this?

The road was empty.

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Videographer Slammed

The video, which has been posted to SG Road Vigilante’s Facebook page, has since gone viral, receiving nearly 50 thousand views in a span of two days.

While there were those who agreed with the cameraman, most disapproved of his approach toward the pedestrian. 

They argued that the man should have offered to give the poor guy a lift instead of chiding him. 

Image: SG Road Vigilante/ Facebook

Also, users pointed out that by stopping in the middle of the road to scold the guy, the passenger was also posing a danger. 

Pot calling the kettle black.

Image: SG Road Vigilante/ Facebook
Image: SG Road Vigilante/ Facebook

For obstructing the flow of traffic, the passenger could have been given 4 demerit points and fined $150.

Maybe if it were a pretty lady, the passenger would’ve acted differently.

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Featured Image: SG Road Vigilante/ Facebook