Ah Girls Go Army is the Top-Grossing Asian Film in S’pore for 2022

When it comes to Jack Neo’s Ah Girls Go Army, there are three camps: the supporters, the haters, and the “I never watch before”ers. 

No matter which side you’re on, you probably know that it has done pretty well. 

After all, there’s a reason why we’ve all heard about it. 

Ah Girls Go Army is the Top-Grossing Asian Film in S’pore for 2022

According to Shin Min Daily News, Ah Girls Go Army topped the charts for the highest-grossed Asian films in Singapore. 

Additionally, the film’s sequel, Ah Girls Go Army Again, came in 3rd. 

Raking in $2.26 million, it beat the first runner-up, Jujutsu Kaisen O, by a long shot, with JJK grossing $1.59 million. 

As for Ah Girls Go Army, it was just shy of the $1 million mark, grossing $940,000.

Seems like it was a good year for Jack Neo. 

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Why People Didn’t Like It

Despite racking the numbers, Ah Girl’s Go Army wasn’t well received by many fans. 


First and foremost, it had way too many product placement scenes. It was like watching a two-hour-long commercial in the cinema. 

Next, it’s lame humour. Jack Neo has aged, but his comedic sense apparently hasn’t. Trapped in the 2000s and 2010s, the jokes were outdated and mainly stereotype-centric. 

Thirdly, the annoying theme song. Sounding like a children’s playtime song, many deemed the beat off-putting, and the lyrics cringe. 

If you thought that was all, it isn’t. 

According to viewers, the plot was uninteresting and had no climax. 

Last but not least, the movie had no sense of relatability. In his previous movies, Jack Neo managed to captivate viewers with a common identity. His famed Ah Boys to Men was so successful because many were able to sympathise with the characters in the film. 

However, this movie was completely hypothetical, lacking the audience engagement he used to have.

In the end, despite all the hate, the movie still did great. Well done, Jack Neo?

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Featured Image: Facebook (Ah Girls Go Army + JackNeoCK)