Former RVHS Student Who Killed His Schoolmate Has Taken O-Level in Prison

Singapore is known by many as a safe nirvana, but some incidents remind us that our safety can never be guaranteed

A particularly traumatising one was the murder case last year, in which a 16-year-old student axed a 13-year-old boy to death. 

Now, there are updates on the killer. 

Former RVHS Student Who Killed His Schoolmate Has Taken O-Level in Prison

We’ve all heard of the River Valley incident last year. 

After all, it made national headlines and was even addressed by many prominent politicians. 

Since his deed, the killer has been remanded. Essentially, he has been put in police custody since. 

According to the Singapore Prison Service (SPS), the teen sat the 2022 O-level exams in prison as a private candidate. 

Before the examination, he was provided with study materials, and on the day of the exam, an invigilator was deployed to the prison to oversee his test. 

Speaking to The Straits Times, his lawyer said: “All are grateful for Prisons and the Ministry of Home Affairs facilitating our client’s further studies while in remand.

“It is a common feature for prisons to do all they can to help young accused persons.”

The next expected hearing of his case will be on 25 January 2023.

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The Tragic Incident

On 19 July 2021, a 16-year-old boy brought an axe to school. He had bought it online and had intentions of using it on someone. 

Between 11.15 am to 11.30 am, he walked into the toilet on the fourth storey with his weapon and waited for his victim. 

According to him, he would kill the next person who entered the restroom.

As a 13-year-old schoolmate entered next, he slashed him repeatedly with the axe as screams of help could be heard from the washroom. 

The two have never met. They didn’t know each other. And now, one was robbing the life out of the other for no reason at all. 

At 11.35 am, the suspect trudged out with his bloodied hands and his bloodied axe. He turned to the nearest group of students and asked them to call the police, but they bolted into their classroom. 

Making his way to another classroom, he made the same request: for the police to be called. 

As all that unfolded, the lifeless body laid there on the cold tiles of the bathroom. 

One brave teacher confronted the murderer and convinced him to drop the axe. Complying, he gave up his weapon and was escorted to a meeting room. 

Soon enough, the police and paramedics arrived. 

That day, one boy was placed under arrest and another, under a pall. 

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