Someone Sent an Influencer Her Own Image with Deranging Comment & It Backfired

Objectification of women has been going on for decades, from films to advertisements and it has extended to real life (unfortunately).

However that doesn’t make it right.

With a recent surge of women speaking up about their sexual harassment encounters, social media influencer, Andrea Chong took to her Facebook page about her unpleasant experience.

What happened

Andrea and her assistant, Elise, had been setting up their new office space with the help of a mover who was sincere and earnest, according to her.

Her preconceived notion of him was soon tainted when she received a text from the said mover on Dec 17.

She was in utter disbelief, staring at the messages for a good 2 minutes like any normal human being would.

But as you can see, after an hour later, she received 3 more messages, coming up with excuses.

It also seems like the first two messages were intended for someone else, but fortunately, karma was on his back that day.

Not even a smartass could get out of this situation.

She then made the decision to cancel the delivery appointment which was scheduled the next day.

This isn’t the first time

The post also talks about her past experiences where she and her assistant, Elise, had been catcalled by misogynists and I would like to highlight one of them.

After giving a career talk at a Girl’s Home, she got into a taxi, only to be rudely berated by the driver.

She mentioned that the driver asked her a question: ““So, what were you doing [at the Girls Home]? To talk about how bad you are?”


It may seem like a futile battle against all these morons, but one shouldn’t stop voicing out and I am going to end this post with an excerpt from the post that really resonated with me:

I may not have been physically attacked, but psychologically I have been affected for life, all because some guys think that it is okay to catcall and talk about their client’s breasts, to which, has no relation to an armchair and a dresser they have to pick up the next day.

I mean, forget about growing my business or giving talks to young girls, let’s talk about whether or not I wear bras underneath dresses, and how “bad” I actually am.

So to some of those dickheads out there, stop catcalling, stop talking about other people’s breasts (I’m sure as hell not going around talking about penises), and stop encouraging your guy friends to talk that way.

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Featured image: Andrea Chong Facebook / Instagram