S’pore Weather So Hot Woman Attacked Another For Stopping While Walking

Singapore’s pretty hot recently.

In fact, it’s so hot we even wrote an article on it. So yeah, it’s bloody damn hot.

But here’s the thing: people don’t just sweat because of the heat.

They also turn into big, green monsters. Namely, this guy.

Image: Collider

Doubt my theory? Just check this case out.

On 21 October, a female shopper was attacked by a woman at a bread shop near Keong Saik Road.

Image: Stomp


Why did the attack occur? Did the female shopper attack the woman’s family? Was it a case of extortion? Homicide? Or worse, stealing the woman’s lollipop?

Incredibly, it’s not. The reason’s pretty simple: the woman had almost knocked into her when the female shopper had abruptly stopped.

This had angered the woman to the point that she committed an act of assault.

Image: Imgur

Wow, even Snape disapproves.

What exactly happened?

The victim, Ms Zhang, told Shin Min Daily News that she was walking towards Keong Saik Road when she had paused to look for the bread shop’s address on her phone’s Global Positioning System (GPS).

The next thing she knew, she was being reprimanded.

“I heard someone scolding me from the back,” Ms Zhang said. “I turned around to see a woman in her 50s scolding me as she walked. She had almost knocked into me when I stopped and was unhappy.”

The victim tried ignoring her, but the woman refused to give in: vulgarities and insults were hurled as the woman followed her to the bread shop.

“I tried not to get involved but she kept taunting me. She said I was deaf and started pointing at me.”

Image: Stomp

That was when Ms Zhang had enough. She asked the woman to stop, but that only invited a swift slap to the left side of her cheek.

Image: Pinterest

Subsequently, the woman made to walk towards the exit.

But of course, Ms Zhang wasn’t just going to let it go.

“I was stunned. After I regained my senses, I ran up to her and grabbed her collar to stop her from leaving.”

“She struggled free and even scratched me on my right arm, leaving four scratch marks. One of my fingers was also injured in the scuffle.”

Image: Stomp
Image: Stomp

The assailant fled after that, and Ms Zhang immediately asked the shop owner to call the police. The victim then proceeded to the police station to lodge a report.

“It was the first time I’ve come here to get bread for my children. I didn’t expect to get caught up in such an unfortunate situation.”

Police investigations are still ongoing.


While I’m sympathetic towards the victim, it seems that not everyone feels the same way.

Image: Stomp

Who’s right?

To me, the assailant is clearly in the wrong. It’s pretty clear-cut really.

But seeing how there are Netizens on the assailant’s side, I’m curious to know how you guys feel.

Tell us in the comments below!

On another note, stay hydrated guys.

Weather’s been a ***** recently, and it might just bring out the ***** in you too.

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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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Featured image: Stomp