Wah, People Are Testing the System By Having Stickers to Mask PDVL Label

Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you’ll know that from 1 July 2017 onward, Uber and Grab are going to be slightly different: new regulations will be imposed to private-hire car drivers to better protect commuters’ interest.

Other than having to undergo screening and tests for the drivers, the cars used for private hire will also have to be marked explicitly as private-hire cars—something that is of a concern for some drivers.

The cars will need to have two decals: one in front and one at the back.

Image: lta.gov.sg

It looks pretty similar to the P-plate for new drivers, but not that obvious as it’s not reflective.

Of course, here lies a problem for some drivers—some of them might be moonlighting as a private-hire driver and did not want their employers to know about it. Some, for some reason, just did not want other people to know that they’re making an honest living (get it?).

The thing is, the decals cannot be tampered—in other words, once you’ve affixed it, you cannot remove it and paste it back in, unlike your typical P-plate, road tax or any other decal you’ve affixed on your car. Tampering with it will result in a penalty.

What this means is that your car is either a private hire car, or it’s not. There’s no such thing as “put on when driving, remove then not driving”.

According to The Straits Times, the decals need to be intact for renewal of road tax, which happens every one year. If, during regular inspections (drivers have to send their cars to inspection centres to inspect their cars every one or two years), the decal is found to be tampered with, he’ll “face a penalty” and has to buy a new decal before he can renew the road tax (road tax can only be renewed after the car has passed its inspection).

And, according to the LTA website, failure to affix the decals is an offence under the Road Traffic Act (scary, isn’t it?). The penalty details will only be known at a later date.

Image: lta.gov.sg

If you’ve been to NS, you’ll know this: there’ll always be people trying to test the system. And test they did.

Over in Carousel, there’s something known as “PDVL Tint Sticker Label”—it basically covers the decal so it won’t be obvious from the outside.

Image: carousell.com

As you can see, the PDVL decal isn’t tampered in this case; it’s, instead, covered from the other side of the glass(from the outside).

Let’s just quote an Encik’s sentence: “Don’t test the system!”

And just so you know, in NS, whoever tests the system would usually still be punished. We all have seen enough, haven’t we?

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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

Featured Image: lta.gov.sg & carousell.com

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