URA Urges Malls to Have Waiting Bays for Food Delivery Riders

Ever tried to make your way through a sea of food delivery riders’ motorcycles parked outside a mall?

It’s a bit of a hassle, isn’t it?

Well, your troubles might be over soon, as the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) just issued a circular to malls across Singapore, urging them to provide waiting bays for food delivery riders.

Here’s what you need to know about it.

Malls Encouraged to Provide Waiting Bays for Food Delivery Riders

With the growing number of people turning to food delivery, malls have also seen a large increase in the number of delivery riders.

Many of these delivery riders park their vehicles haphazardly or illegally so that they can get into the mall and collect your food as quickly as possible. However, this introduced a problem: footpaths where vehicles should not be parked become blocked and shoppers find it harder to move around.

But instead of giving out saman to the food delivery riders, URA has encouraged malls to take action instead.

In the circular issued by URA on 30 Nov, malls were encouraged to provide waiting bays for food delivery riders given the increasing instances of food delivery riders illegally parking their vehicles.

Among other recommendations, these waiting bays were recommended to be within a short walking distance of mall entrances, sheltered from the rain and large enough to accommodate up to 20 motorcycles or bicycles.

That way, you won’t be weaving in and out through a maze of food delivery riders’ motorcycles while trying to make your way into a mall.

Malls were also advised to provide more motorcycle parking lots, as well as reasonable parking grace periods for these lots ranging from 15 to 20 minutes.

Some of URA’s recommendations have already been implemented by certain malls.

Most Food Delivery Riders Currently Park in Non-Designated Parking Areas

There are designated parking spots for food delivery riders to park their vehicles, but there is a problem with these parking spots.

They’re either located at inconvenient places or were overcrowded due to the public parking there.

Just think about it: although you might have the time to drive rounds and rounds around a carpark to wait for a parking spot to free up, these food delivery riders don’t.

A second late and the auntie whose food they’re delivering might give them a bad rating out of spite. A scolding at the door too, if they’re feeling generous.

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As a result, many food delivery riders currently park at non-designated parking areas such as pedestrian walkways and areas near mall entrances.

This is to allow them to collect food orders faster so that they can deliver the food to you more quickly as well.

Some riders also share that some designated parking areas at malls not only aren’t sheltered, but they also don’t have surveillance cameras, discouraging riders from parking their vehicles there.

Funny enough, if you’re parking by a no-parking sign, you’ll probably have cameras on you—especially that of a kaypoh auntie that just happens to be walking by.

Malls Typically Do Not Take Action Against Delivery Riders Parking At Non-Designated Areas

According to TODAY, mall security guards from several malls shared that they typically do not take action against delivery riders parking in non-designated areas.

One particular security guard shared that they would usually just advise these food delivery riders to park elsewhere away from these restricted areas.

The security guard added that riders would usually shift elsewhere once asked to do so by the security guard, and would not cause any trouble.

So no saman, no warnings. Just good old communication.

Spokespersons from multiple malls also shared that their malls have 15 to 30-minute grace periods for food delivery riders to park their vehicles in their car parks.

More Attention On Food Delivery RIders Recently

With this recent circular issued by URA, it appears that the government has been putting more attention on food delivery riders and those in the gig economy.

Last month, the government accepted the Ministry of Manpower’s recommendation to require platform employees under the age of 30 to contribute to the Central Provident Fund (CPF). Older platform employees will be able to choose whether they would like to pay CPF.

While responses to the government’s move to mandate CPF contributions for younger gig workers have been mixed, with any luck, the responses to URA’s circular will be more positive.

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Featured Image: Abdul Razak Latif / Shutterstock.com