Netizens Triggered By S’pore Driver Who Crashes Into ‘Caution’ Sign, Then Blamed Signage For...

The blame game is trending strongly in our current generation. In Singapore, we've had a few infamous examples. "Is it because I'm Chinese?", is one such...

Poor Doggo Cries & Mourns Death Of Owner At Funeral; Relatives Try To Console...

Dogs are always considered a man's best friend. They're really loyal to you once they get to know you and come on, who wouldn't want...

Police Flies In Like Superman To Save Bedok From Hammer-Wielding Man

Thor's been having a rough time since Avengers End Game. And it would seem like the bad streak will continue since Thor's newest appearance doesn't...

3YO Girl Limited By Dad From Watching TV At Home; Watches Neighbour’s TV From...

I remember when I was young, my TV hours used to only be on Sunday mornings. A one-hour-long show of Doraemon was enough to...

Watch: Aussie CEO Of YouFoodz Swears & Mocks Asians In S’pore With Fiancee

In case you don't know what YouFoodz is, it's a prepared meal service where you can order meals made from their prepared menu. Or, if...

Watch: Man In Hospital Gown Escapes SGH Using His PMA & Rides On Bus...

PMA? Did you just mention Personal Mobility Aids, which is related to PMDs, again? Editor: Yes, and we're not talking about Positive Mental Attitu- REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE OK. I'm done...

Woman Threw Poor Kitten On Ground & Stomped On It After Shop Refuses To...

Some people should never be pet owners. And some should never be allowed to take care of anything. Ever. Unfortunately for a poor little kitten, it...

Opponents Shielding Footballer As She Fixes Hijab Shows That There’s Still Good In This...

With all the news about sexual assaults and car accidents, here's some slightly more uplifting news. Something that would put a smile on your face. During...

Reckless Driver Drinks & Drives; Gets Into Accident & Tries To Rape Lady Victim

We have all been told at least once in our lives that we should never ever drink-drive because it not only puts our own...

Speeding Car Flies Off Flyover Like In The Movies, Kills 1 & Injures 6

When Back To The Future predicted flying cars in the 2010s, I don't think this was quite what they meant. Because in this episode of...