According to a 1955 guide, wives are supposed to do these crazy things for...

In May 1955, Housekeeping Monthly published an article named "The Good Wife's Guide", describing the responsibilities and manners of a wife, to be a...

10 simple hacks to soothe a stubborn sore throat

Have you ever felt so frustrated with your sore throat and don’t feel like going to the clinic to consult a doctor just because...

10 things that truly mature men won’t do

Being irresponsible Responsibility is one of the key values in life that everyone should possess, no matter whether you’re a guy or a lady. But...

10 little known reasons why committed couples no longer show off their love anymore

Have you ever had a relationship that became very dull after few years down the road? These are the 10 little known reasons why...

You won’t believe this: In China, rats and foxes are being sold as chicken...

China is no stranger to the assortment of "fake food" on the market. We've heard of people using plastic to make rice, cardboard to...

Your tongue can surprisingly reveal a lot about your health!

Say "ahhhhhhh". How does your tongue look? Find out what it could mean. If your tongue has Brown/Black fuzzy things... Papilla, or small bumps on the...

Here are the reasons why Leonardo DiCaprio’s win is taking the Internet by storm

Near, far, wherever you are, you've probably heard yesterday's Big News-- Leonardo DiCaprio's (finally) won an Oscar. And no, it wasn't a dream (if you get my drift). Here...

10 things in old HDB void decks that we all miss AF now

Remember the good old days when kids used to enjoy messing around at the HDB void decks? Now with all the extraneous contraptions set...

10 types of friends that you should just delete from your life

All of us have good friends, best friends and friends that come by once in a while that most of us will term as...

10 amazing things that will happen to you once you let go of the...

It is a well known fact that when you let go of your burdensome past, it lets go of you too. Basically, you get...