Here’s What Sang Nila Utama Looks Like Now In Social Studies Textbooks

Allow me to begin this article with a disclaimer. Look, we have no idea how legit this is, but this is too awesome to...

Couple Risked Lives to Take Perfect Photo But Photographer Got Injured Instead

Everybody needs a good laugh every now and then to get through a day. Well, it's officially mid-week (I thought it was Tuesday cos time...

Woman Engaged Professional Photographer & Receive Hilarious Family Photos Instead

Normally, you would expect someone to at least do a moderate, if not a good job when you pay him/her to do it. And normally,...

All Fishes in a Foot Fish Spa Allegedly Died After Man Put His Stinky...

My mum used to tell me this, "You don't have to wash your ears. You don't have to wash your butt. But on no...

Drunk People Forget Where They Park their Car in an Empty Car Park &...

CNY is just round the corner and I'm sure most of us are prepared for the good food! Of course, what is CNY celebration without...

Market Spoiler Alert: BF Tried Skirt for GF Coz They’re the Same Size

Nowadays, men seem to love making things tougher for each other. (你说啊!男人何苦为难男人?) Every few days, we see posts about awesome boyfriends and husbands going the...

This Video of Someone Ripping Off a Taxi Number Plate Will Kill Off Your...

Now, it's pretty usual to be ticked off when you see someone doing stupid stuff. However, there are very rare instances in which you'll find...

This M’sia Video About Vacuum Cleaner by a Chiobu is Really 几好笑一下!

Hurray! It's Thursday! We are officially one day nearer to the end of the work week and we are also one day nearer to the...

M’sian Who Promised a Vios & RM500 Now Ups His Offer…But It’s Still Ridiculous

Remember this guy? If you don't, there's no need to worry, because I nearly did too. Until my chief editor tasked me to pen an...

Drag Queen Kumar Turns 50 & He’s Having an Epic Show

Singaporeans are proud of three things—vibrant food scene, rich culture and the contagiously funny drag queen, Kumar. Performing frequently at bars like the Hard Rock...