10 Primary School Memories That’re Scarier Than Dentists

Remember seeing the dental nurse (or a student with a cotton ball inside his mouth) walking into your class, and hearing your name being...

This M’sia Video About Vacuum Cleaner by a Chiobu is Really 几好笑一下!

Hurray! It's Thursday! We are officially one day nearer to the end of the work week and we are also one day nearer to the...

YouTube Ghost Prank Video Shows S’poreans DGAF About Ghosts

Haunted houses bring to mind an exciting night, with bloodcurdling screams from ghastly figures in wisps of silks. Everyone knows you have to be scared...

10 ways friends “ya ya papaya” during class gatherings that just make us buay...

Aiya, you know, sometimes during class gatherings, there’ll be that one friend, or ex-classmate that dredges up the past and highlight the stupid, embarrassing...

GrabFood Rider Got Stuck in Lift With His Bicycle & Had to be Rescued...

Not many people are aware of the dangers involved in being a food delivery rider. Sure, it seems like they're just gleefully riding around on...

10 realest thoughts that only 饭桶 would understand

There was once upon a time where we all ate rice without thinking twice. When I say rice, I mean the refined, white fragrant...

Wang Lei Sold 8,000 Bras in 15 Mins By Wearing Them on Livestream

Masculinity and femininity are social constructs, ruled by stereotypes and perceived gender norms. Who says a man can’t sell bras? Every human being has breasts. Veteran getai...

13 reasons why we 90s kids believe we belong to the “best generation”

It's safe to say every generation would have claimed that the 'Best Generation' award belongs to them. From the generations that fought the war,...

6 Facts About Ah Girls Go Army Before You Watch It During CNY

Ever since Ah Girls Go Army (AGGA) was announced in September 2021 for audition calls, as the spiritual and engendered successor to the famous...

Ya Kun Offers to Send Woman 57 Cups of Kopi / Teh for Shouting...

One of the most iconic moments that defined the National Day Parade of 2022 is definitely the shoutout to the Build-To-Order queue numbers and...