10 thoughts only people who live in Bishan for a long time would feel

There’s a Cafe in a Church Little known to many people, there is a cafe operating in a Church, and it is open to the...

Another Customer Complains About Bed Bugs, This Time At Golden Village

Remember that Scoot bedbug incident that happened a couple of days ago? There's another one now. Don't panic, Scoot. It's not you. This time, it's Mr Golden Village. On...

Guide to When to Stop & Start Work for CNY 2023 Depending On Your...

With Chinese New Year (CNY) falling on 22 January 2023 (Sunday) this year, Monday and Tuesday will be designated public holidays. CNY will therefore...

How To Grow Taller? Does Jumping Make You Taller?

In your pubescent years, I am sure you would have tried many ways to grow taller—a pivotal period for any sort of growth spurts...

The Science Behind Sleep Paralysis: The Feeling of Being Conscious While Being Asleep

Seep paralysis is technically a scientific term to describe something that’s actually pretty scary in nature. What happens is that you would wake up in...

MRT Footage of a Toddler Watching Cartoon with Stranger Gets Over 1 Million Views

Admit it, when a baby is being fussy in a public place, most of us just stare in annoyance and maybe shoot death glares...

3 Ways Fashion Mean More Than Just Apparels

I’m no fashion expert. But Coco Chanel is one, and so is Yves Saint Laurent, and both of them have expressed the idea that...

8 Places in The Recently Open Funan Mall You Got To Visit

Yes, we're not done with Funan yet. We've been hyping this for months so you can be assured that there will be more Funan...

10 Advanced or Hidden Features in Zoom That’ll Make Videoconferencing Great Again

The Covid-19 pandemic has made three things very popular: toilet paper, complaining, and Zoom. In case you don't know, Zoom is a video-conferencing application that...

Muji Opens Two-Storey Store At Jewel With A Cafe & Interior Design Adviser Service

Jewel Changi Airport is whopping 10 storeys high, which means that not only does it bring lots of new shops to Singapore, even old...