This Sound Wave Tattoo That You Can Listen To Is Driving Netizens Crazy Everywhere

Tattoos might have a slightly bad reputation in Singapore, seeing how there are so many bad-mannered Ah Bengs and Ah Lians sporting them. This naturally causes some...

There’s a New Gigantic Bookstore with Reading Spaces in Johor That is Very Instagram-Worthy

Tell me the truth. Did you click on this article because you like books or because you want to take some photos for the gram'? If...

10 S’pore Songs From the 80s / 90s That Are So Memorable, Most S’poreans...

Nowadays, even if you have the best song in the world, you'll still be overshadowed by viral hits like PPAP or Gangnam Style, because...

10 NDP Songs That Are Still Classics Today, Unlike Recent Ones That Became Classified

In recent years, it seemed like the NDP songs haven't been so well-received, compared to those retro ones that kids are still singing in...

Minion Land, a New Attraction in USS, Set to Open in 2024

Damn these yellow bananas in blue overalls are here to haunt us after all. On Thursday (26 May), construction began for the new Minion Land...

10 Innocent Things People Do Daily That Causes Wrinkles

As the days go by, you start to realize you’re getting older. When you brush your hair, you see an annoying grey strand of...

These Holes on Your Converse Shoes Actually Have 2 Important Functions

Not sure about you, but being a 90s kid, Converse was a really hot brand among students. Everyone bought their sneakers from Converse and couldn't...

9 Things You Can Expect From Your First Facial Experience You Didn’t Know

Oh, facials. I'm sure we have heard myths about them being a huge pain in the ass, but what we don't know, is that...

5 Key Differences Between Serving NS in the SAF & in the SPF

Curious on the differences between serving in SAF and the SPF? Well, with an office that has both SAF and SPF NSmen, we've come...

A Missed Call from an Overseas Number Might be a Scam in S’pore

Imagine this: you left your phone in your handbag, and when you took it out, you saw a missed call from an overseas number. Thinking...