Cheaper Hawker Food But Some People Are Still Angry. Here’s Why

Here’s one simple question: if the quality of the food and environment are similar, do you prefer to pay $2.50 for a plate of...

10 Interesting Facts You Probably Didn’t Know about Isetan

When we talk about departmental stores, I doubt Isetan is the first that comes into most of our minds. It’s usually Metro or BHG...

Here Are the Zodiac Signs That Have To Go Bai Tai Sui (拜太岁) This...

If you’ve not heard of Bai Tai Sui (拜太岁) and didn’t know what it entails, it’s understandable: in the day and age when youngsters...

7 Ways to Remove Water in Ears After a Swim or Shower

Whenever we go swimming or take a bath, there will always be this one time where the water will somehow find its way into...

5 Pictures You Must Take Immediately After a Car Accident in S’pore

Okay, if you’re like me who doesn’t even know where the camera icon on your phone is, you’ll most likely not know what pictures...

7 Facts About ORTO You Probably Didn’t Know About

Opened in 2014, ORTO Leisure Park quickly established a name for itself in the rest and relaxation scene with its rustic kampung vibes, fishing...

The Number of Eggs a Person Can Consume Per Day is Actually More Than...

You would have heard this from your parents or grandparents before: “Boy arh, every day can only eat a maximum of one egg arh....

ShopBack GO: The App That’ll Give You 100% CashBack For Your Next Meal This...

If shopping were an Olympic sport, Singapore would take home the gold, silver, and bronze medals every time. Since we're such experts in the spending...

10 Useful Uses Of A Toothpaste Besides Using it to Brush Your Teeth

We're all familiar with toothpaste, right? When you wake up in the morning and you kiss your wife. She'd wish that you've brushed your teeth first. But...

Okay, You Can Now Get Someone to Queue for You for $20 Per Hour

If there’s one thing we’ve grown accustomed to on this island, it’s standing in long queues to get what we want. It can be...