Another Customer Complains About Bed Bugs, This Time At Golden Village

Remember that Scoot bedbug incident that happened a couple of days ago? There's another one now. Don't panic, Scoot. It's not you. This time, it's Mr Golden Village. On...

There’s Now a Baby Shark Song Promoting S’pore by S’pore Tourism Board & Pinkfong

If you thought that the worldwide craze over Baby Shark is over, think again. With the COVID-19 travel restrictions greatly relaxed after two years since...

The Japaneses Have a 1-Minute Trick That Stops You From Being Lazy

We know that when it comes to inventing stuff, the Japanese are absolutely crazy at it, right? I mean, look at Godzilla, that's a work...

Daiso Now Has a Website That Shows Live Updates of Crowds in Stores to...

When Singapore went into Circuit Breaker, there were many non-essential stores that remained open at first: And many essential businesses that were forced to shut...

Soon, S’pore’s First Death Museum Would Be Open in Haw Par Villa

This death museum has no fancy name, just straight and in-your-face. It's called Hell's Museum and will be officially launched in June 2018. Right in Haw Par...

5 Ways to Increase Metabolism So That Even Sleeping Would Burn More Calories

All of us want to burn calories and lose weight. We work hard at the gym, we monitor what we eat and even curb...

7 Benefits Of Exercising In The Morning The Moment You Wake Up

If you're a firm believer in getting that extra five minutes of sleep before a long day at work, I get you. But here's the...

10 Tips for NSMen Who Want to Ace Their IPPT & Avoid RTs

With the new IPPT system, failing isn’t one of the options now: it’s either a Pass, a Silver or a Gold. After all, without...

Going JB This Labour Day? Then You Really Need to Know This Experience

So. You’re going to Malaysia this long weekend, because you’ve conquered all the food in Singapore.If you’re driving, you’ll know what to expect: jams...

We Bare Bears Are Coming to Meet Fans ‘Cuz We Voted for S’pore

Remember those cutesy bear merchandise you always chance upon at Miniso? Always eye candied them, but just like your human eye candies in school you've...