This Grab Driver Has Beer and Ciggs in His Car & They’re FREE

Right now, you’re probably wondering how amazing can a GrabCar driver be.You might even have theories of your own. I’ll probably have to ask...

Sentosa Has a Super Cute Eevee Dance Parade Starting from This Month

Pikachu might be one of the most popular Pokémon out there, but the cutest and sweetest one isn’t the yellow electric creature. Instead, it’s Eevee....

10 Facts About SES (Socioeconomic Status), The New Buzzword in S’pore

In case you haven't heard of 'SES' before, let me break it down for you: socioeconomic=socio+economic Yes, "ses" is literally all about social and economics. To put...

Who Should Deal in Ban-Luck During CNY Gatherings? Here’s a Guide so You Won’t...

This would be a common scenario every Chinese New Year in Singapore and Malaysia: people are on their phones playing the latest games they’ve...

8 worst memories about Clementi before it becomes so lively now

Disclaimer: We love Clementi, old or new. If it’s not obvious enough, we’ll highlight it now: we’re just trying to be funny. If you’re...

10 Fun Facts about Teletext That’ll Only Interest 90s Kids

Remember the good old times when digital TV did not exist and the internet seems like a myth? Then exists the Teletext, a form of...

A Study Shows That Having Money Can Really Buy Happiness

A very common saying that everyone has probably heard before is money cannot buy happiness. However, a study shows that money can buy happiness to...

Hermes Has a Mahjong Set That Costs $57,200 & You Can Buy It in...

In Crazy Rich Asians, there’s an iconic Mahjong scene whereby the protagonist confronted the antagonist in a Mahjong house, and even used the Mahjong...

During the SARS Crisis in 2003, There Was Also ‘TraceTogether’ in S’pore

Contact tracing has become an integral part of our lives ever since the COVID-19 outbreak. Our TraceTogether app seems to be more active than...

We Tried Visiting A Pawnshop To Sell A Broken Rolex Watch

When my mum accidentally cracked the face of her beloved Rolex watch, she was heartbroken. I tried to convince her to sell it but she...