S’pore Reports Its First COVID-19 Patient Who Could’ve Been Infected Twice in Less than...

As evident from the resurgence of cases in countries all over the world, the coronavirus does not give up easily. Just when you think you've...

A Person in S’pore National Eye Centre Received 5 Doses of COVID-19 Vaccine Due...

Not many people may agree with the expression "too much of a good thing". It's used to refer to the fact that something which is...

Police Responds to Allegations That They Used Excessive Force in Viral Video of Fight...

"There are two sides to every story".  If jumping to conclusions were an Olympic sport, netizens would win the gold medal every year. Whenever an aggrieved...

26 COVID-19 Cases Today (6 Feb); All Are Imported Cases

We're back to a day whereby there's no locally transmitted case. As of 12pm today (6 Feb), the Ministry of Health (MOH) has preliminarily confirmed...

Genki Sushi Has a $5.80 Yusheng for Just 1 Person to Lohei

No Chinese New Year meal is complete without the fun tradition of Yusheng, or a prosperity toss. The tradition involves tossing a large, festive salad...

140 Companies in S’pore Ordered to Cease Operations Since COVID-19 Workplace Management Measures Were...

Has your boss called you back to the office even though your job can be done while on the toilet or in bed? Do you...

Muis Completed Tests on Halal-Certified Food by Li Chuan & Found No Trace of...

Around a week ago, Muslim residents in Singapore received the troubling news that pork DNA had been found in two of Li Chuan's food...

Woman Spotted With Funny Oversized Book Titles in MRT Trains Was Doing a Social...

If you walk along the streets of Singapore nowadays, you won't see anyone smiling. This can mostly be attributed to the fact that everyone's wearing...

A&W Has Opened in Jurong Point with Long Queues

While German Shepherds can easily sniff out drugs several kilometres away, they have nothing on Singaporeans when it comes to detecting a new fast-food...

10 S’pore Celebrities Who Are Selling CNY Goods Online

For the common folk, we can't even begin to imagine how celebrity life is like. The fame, fortune and paparazzi following you around is something...