Another Crypto Firm, BlockFi, Filed for Bankruptcy Due to the FTX Collapse

Before I delve deeper into this FTX saga, let's go through some basic cryptocurrency terminology. BlockFi is a crypto lending platform which users can use...

Beng Who Cooks Closing Down Restaurant Due to High Rent & Manpower Issues

We have good news and bad news. The bad news is: Singapore's favourite "Beng Who Cooks" just broke the news that they will be closing. The...

Woman About to Complain About Clementi Swensen’s Service But Later Realised 90% of Employees...

In the same way every server has their horror stories about terrible customers, customers also have their own grievances about their servers. Everyone is entitled...

8 Facts About The Latest Police Impersonation Hotline Scam

If you received a call from the Criminal Investigation Department over the weekend, do not be alarmed. I'm pretty sure it's just a pep call...

8 Facts About the Singtel Outage ‘Coz Singtel Users Now Got Freebie on Nov...

If you’re a Singtel user like me, this would be you on Thursday night: And if you’re not at home that night, this would be...

SIA Looking to Hire 2,000 Cabin Crew Members by March 2023; 800 Have Since...

The pandemic seems to finally be on its last leg as air travel has resumed to and from most countries. In light of this, Singapore...

Man Who Graduated from NUS With Honours Used to be Rejected by ITE

Have you heard of Gary Lau? No? But you should be soon, as he's likely to be used as an example to showcase how...

People in S’pore Are Queuing Overnight for iPhone 14 Again, With Some Flying Into...

The term “kiasu” roughly means the “fear of missing out” and it can be used as an adjective here to describe people who have...

Restaurant Allows Diners to Pay Any Amount for Their Meals But Realize How Greedy...

It’s an idea that’ll attract the Internet: in this restaurant, you can pay whatever amount you want after your meal, because the owners believe...

Woman Accidentally Threw Away $14,000 Cash That Her Husband Hid in Old Clothes

A woman accidentally threw away $14,000 cash that her husband had hid in his old clothes. And no, it isn't monopoly money. It's real, legal...