Haze In M’sia Is So Bad, Najib Cancelled Court Session Due To Eye Infection

Indonesia's back at it again. A yearly participant in the 'Hey Look Let's Spawn Some Hellfires!' game, Indonesia has again been ravaged by forest fires,...

Serial Stalker Jailed For Harassing Woman; He Has Stalked American Singer Before That

Repeat after me, everyone: Stalking. Is. Creepy. Especially when you go to lengths of messaging them creepy emails or messages to let them know your 'affection.' Or...

Japanese Man Picks Up Trash In Singapore Because He Likes Our Country

Alright, Goody Feed colleagues. I would like a show of hands how many of you had picked up litter recently. A: Huh, why? Just let...

‘The Cosplay Killer’ Gets 22 Years Jail Instead of Death After Appeal

Another day, another round of bad news around the world. Me: Aight guys, let's start the day off with some happy news to brighten our...

M’sian Man Comes Up With Plan To ‘Blow The Haze Back’ To Indonesia

While the annual haze is slowly crawling its way to the skies of Singapore, our next-door neighbour, Malaysia, has already been hit pretty badly...

New Futuristic SIT Campus Opening In 2023 To Be ‘Living Lab’ With Advanced Energy...

Did you know that your study environment can play a huge part in your academic success? Scientific research has shown that the way that...

Sam Willows Singer Benjamin Kheng Apologises For Offensive Magazine Photo

Everyone makes mistakes, celebrities included. Sometimes, they get #cancelled and hated on for ages but sometimes, the public is willing to forgive them and move...

70YO Hit By Bag Of Rubbish Thrown From Braddell View Condominium

Trash is meant to be thrown into the trash bin - a simple logic that some people can't seem to understand. Just a month back,...

Clinic Assistant Who Stole More Than $100,000 With Co-Worker Gets Jail

Have you ever worked as a cashier? Well, I have. And I can tell you that as a poor student working as a part-time cashier,...

Woman Suffered Fractured Skull After Near Collision with PMD Rider

Oh, look, another PMD related accident. The topic is akin to this: "Shocking: Water Found in Singapore River". You know, this has become so common this...