AVA No Longer Exists After Divorcing Into Two Different Agencies

What do we think of when AVA comes to mind? I do sincerely hope that it is not our primary school's AVA room, but our...

Drink-Driver Who Drove Into 4 Unlucky Pedestrians At Tanjong Pagar Sentenced To Jail

Here's another accident on the road, but it's no mundane motorist vs cyclist event this time. It's drunk driver vs pedestrians so this is going...

IKEA Introduces Pretty & Healthy Vegan Strawberry Ice Cream Soft Serve to Europe

Millennial pink was all the rage the past few years. From shoes to clothes and interior decor, brands have been coming up with products in...

Nas Daily Wants To Meet Up With S’poreans & Make Videos on 20 Apr...

Are you a big fan of Nas Daily? No, not that fan. I meant the loud kind. Gawddammit Patrick just answer the question! You know what; screw the introduction. For...

Expect Lots of Rain in the First 2 Weeks of April 2019 But Temperature...

I'm sorry peeps; I hate to break it to you. It's gonna rain. A lot. For the next two weeks. "Eheh, you're kidding right?" you said....

10 Facts About the New Laws to Fight Fake News S’poreans Should Know About

There are a few things that are certain in Singapore this year: bubble tea’s going to more popular than kopi-c, influencers are going to...

Geylang Serai Bazaar 2019 To Be Cheaper, Less Hipster & More Nostalgic

Over the years, the Geylang Serai Bazaar had lost some of its cultural identity. It is supposed to be a Ramadan Bazaar, where stalls selling...

People Who CSI Other People’s Personal Details & Post Them Online That Caused Harassment...

You would have remembered this: a BMW driver just wanted to top up $10 worth of petrol, but the pump attendant pumped full instead. Soon...

Five Teenagers Arrested For Trying To Stay Inside IKEA Tampines After Closing Time

When I was younger, I always wondered how it'd be like to stay in Ikea for a day. Ikea literally has all the necessities you...

Xiao Guilin’s Little Bro, Bukit Gombak Park, to Be Ready by Early 2020 with...

If you intend to learn driving next year in Bukit Batok Driving Centre, you might want to take a leisure walk on a new...