2 Men Burnt Field for Social Media & Get Burnt Online Instead

Are you a fire starter? And no, I am not talking about creating drama. I am talking about someone who deliberately lights things up aka...

Chew Han Eng’s Failed Escape is so Epic, It’s Even Reported in Foreign Media

Unless your name's Patrick Star, chances are you would have heard of Chew Han Eng's recent slip-up, when he was arrested after attempting to flee on...

Man Murdered Waitress in S’pore Because He Failed To Scam Her Over Phone Repair...

What extent are you willing to go to help a friend in need? Lend money? Provide a shelter? These acts of kindness are pretty common and...

33-YO Who Quit School at 12 Now a Millionaire Farming Cows

Every time I am faced with a deluge of deadlines and meetings, I think to myself, “I just want to be an avocado farmer”. Yes,...

10 Facts About Chew Eng Han, The Ex-CHC Member Who Tried to Flee S’pore...

Well, looks like Singaporeans' got ourselves a new national "hero"! Despite the daunting odds, one man took on the seemingly impossible mission to leave Singapore...

M’sian Sells Cheating Husband in Carousell Under ‘Women’s Accessories’

You know the saying, “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”? Well, if you don’t, it means that no one is angrier than a...

BF Left GF on Highway After Heated Argument, Police Had To Intervene

Couples bickering is pretty normal—heck, there is even a study that claims couples who argue have a stronger relationship. I guess it makes sense to...

90 Hotspots Found Throughout Indonesia But NEA Says It’s Unlikely For SG To Get...

To many, Singapore have only one season : Summer. But if you've lived in Singapore long enough, or have been here for the most of...

Starbucks S’pore Now Has Pink Items ‘Coz #Instagram

After extremely dodgy scientific research, we concluded that humans can't live without three things: Food, water and... Instagram. In disbelief? Well, just look at your girlfriend when...

Former CHC Member Chew Eng Han Tried to Escape S’pore By Boat Illegally But...

I had a really good laugh when I was told to write about this. In fact, the entire office laughed so hard that we...