9 Facts about the MRT Lightning Strike You Probably Want to Know

Oh boy. What's with our MRT these days. This is just a bad year for our beloved transport system, isn't it? I mean, we've...

Woman Claimed Insurance Agent ‘Proposed’ on First Date & Asked for Money on the...

"Always beware of insurance agents," my mum used to tell me. "They are evil. Oh yes they are." "How so?" I asked while sucking on my lollipop. Her...

Remember Sim Lim Square? It’s Now Hoping for an En Bloc

A long long time ago, in a shopping centre far far away... (Okay, hang on there, that's too far back) Unpleasant memories aside, I guess you...

Concrete ‘As Big As a Watermelon’ Fell on Playground from 40 Floors

You've definitely heard of the phrase "raining cats and dogs". (No cats and dogs were harmed in the making of this meme) I want a Tabby...

Everything You Need to Know About the Kia Picanto Overturn in CTE Yesterday (19...

If you think taking the uber or driving to work seems safer than taking the trains…think again. Accidents are bound to happen no matter what...

There’s Actually a Wiki Page of All MRT Breakdowns

Singaporeans were rattled to the core last week when they heard about the MRT collision in Joo Koon that is caused by a software glitch...

11 Facts About the Maserati Incident that Nearly Took a TP’s Life

I must say, my editor really loves bah kut teh. Or just the smell of something boiling. I mean, why else will he send...

Wah, There’s a Primary School in S’pore with No Drink Stall to Fight Diabetes

Remember the good old days, back when you were still in school? (Maybe you are still in school. I'm feeling old already) One of the...

Over in China, a Bike-sharing Firm Just Died & People Can’t Get Back Their...

Bike-sharing services might be the hottest thing since chilli sauce in Singapore, but it's apparently not the same over in China. According to Cnet, China's...

Think It’s Rainy Now? Second Half of Nov 17 is Going to be Wetter

Remember when I told you that the first two weeks of November is going to be very wet—and now we are halfway through the...